Why Self Respect Is Critical
It's difficult to value others if you don't have any value for yourself.
The same can be said for respect.
You must respect yourself.
If you do not have self respect you can be set up to have unhealthy relationships with others.
This is true when it comes to establishing boundaries, which are important, otherwise people will take advantage of you at any possible moment.
There are people out there that leech off of others because they see who has a weak self-identity and lack of self respect.
Generally people without self-respect can be selfless and are afraid to say no.
This is a boundary problem that they encounter regularly.
Some areas that they are unwilling to say no might be simple, however, these areas tend to progress with this lack of respect, causing deeper emotional and spiritual pain.
Let me give you an example.
I married when I was 16.
The man I married was significantly older, by ten years.
I was sought out to be a person that catered to this man, based on my age, lack of experience in relationships, and my belief in marriage being forever.
My self-esteem was broken with verbal abuse, which enabled the respect I had for myself to slowly crack and This is why it is imperative to have self-respect, so that you can understand your worth and value.
You will also be able to confront issues with other people easier and make better choices in life when it comes to who you spend your time with and how you spend your time.
Your self-identity can easily be wrapped into respect and love for yourself.
Abusive relationships are difficult to break out of.
There is a cycle that comes with the abuse, which includes heightened power, need from the other person, and promises for change.
Depending on the responsiveness of the partner, they are willing or unable to change.
Oftentimes abusive partners, through counseling can seek therapy options that help them explore behaviors that help a relationship.
Some tips to ensuring that you have a strong sense of self-respect include exploration to get to know yourself - what are your personality strengths and weaknesses? What are your interests and how does this play into your life, your dreams, and goals? If someone makes you uncomfortable you need to be able to confront them.
It does take a lot of self-respect to do this, but stand firm in who you are and what established boundaries you have.
Every person has unique boundaries.
Don't enable people to continue to cross them.