The Simple But Effective Way To Make Your Ex Fall For You All Over Again!
The first step is to step back and stop contacting your ex in any way, shape, or form.
He or she has a lot to process, a lot of things to sort out within themselves about the relationship, and they certainly cannot do this if you are calling or texting them all the time! This is a mistake we often make in our relationships and it almost always sabotages our efforts to repair the romance.
At the moment, while your ex is likely still in love with you, they may be a little afraid to commit.
They need time to think things over before making any sort of significant commitment and you must give them time to think over their options.
Accept their decision to end the relationship and allow them as much time and space as they need to work themselves out.
Your ex will be missing you like crazy during this time, and will likely even fall for you all over again - but harder this time.
You know what they say absence making the heart grow fonder...
They will appreciate your patience and respect for their feelings.
You are also showing that you are not desperately sitting around pining for them.
And this too will get you on their mind even more.
It will show you aren't lost without them and that you also understand their need for space.
They will see maturity and respect and this will just add to their list of reasons to want you back! Take this as an opportunity to enjoy some things you haven't had time for.
Rekindle friendships, try out a new hobby, enjoy your free time being you! All the while your absence is making your ex fall for you all over again! Don't be surprised when you get the call - your ex wanting to talk about getting back together.
Then you'll know you've had success and rekindled your love and the rewards are endless.