Is Our Drinking Water Polluted?
Is polluted drinking water flowing out of your faucets? In years past, testing might have been advised, but today, there is really no point in testing.
We know that pollution is a problem.
Why is Water Polluted? In some cases, it was industry that caused the problem.
For example, MTBE is present in some freshwater supplies, because of underground gasoline storage tanks.
It was a "no-knock" gasoline additive corrosive enough to eat its way out of the tanks and into the groundwater.
Chemicals Found in Water Another example is benzene.
Benzene is a known human carcinogen.
It has been difficult to track exactly how it gets into freshwater supplies, but since it is not a naturally occurring substance, at least in the form found in freshwater samples, industry must have been to blame.
Lindane, alachlor and Atrazine are pesticides and herbicides.
Particularly high levels of these chemicals are found in the states of the Corn Belt and in other areas where agriculture is the main industry.
Farm Runoff - Big Pollution Source Farm runoff is the problem.
Farm runoff is also responsible for cysts.
While they are not really a source of pollution, they can still make you sick.
Cysts are tiny bacteria-like organisms that are resistant to public disinfection systems.
They can only be filtered out at home.
Drug Industry - Dangerous Source The pharmaceutical industry is another cause of polluted drinking water.
Not only because of the wastewater flowing out of the plants, but also because of their "old" advice concerning disposal of expired and unneeded medications.
They advised people to flush them down the toilet.
While it might not be pleasant to think about, anything that you flush could end up in someone's freshwater supply, if they live downstream from you.
In case you missed the news, traces of pharmaceuticals were found in freshwater supplies in practically every major US city and some small towns, too.
Natural Sources Polluted drinking water can also occur naturally.
Lead and perchlorate, for example, are naturally occurring compounds.
Traces of lead are particularly common in older houses, because until recently, lead solder was used in the pipelines.
Both lead and perchlorate are present in the ground.
So, even if your freshwater source is underground, you could still have a problem.
These are only some examples of pollution that exists in freshwater supplies around the US and the world.
Luckily, we can do something about it.
Lobbying for change in the treatment facilities and tighter restrictions on industry might be a good idea, but there would still be polluted drinking water, because it is already a problem.
The Best Thing You Can Do Today - Not Tomorrow The best thing to do is to install effective purifiers in your home.
Private purification is more effective than anything that the public treatment facilities can do.
All of the chemicals and other contaminants mentioned in this article can be removed, if the purifier includes the right steps.
The best purifiers are multi-stage selective filtration devices.
They include granular carbon, a solid carbon and multi-media block, an ion exchange step and a sub-micron particle filter.
Do we have polluted drinking water? Yes, we do.
But, it is only a problem for people that don't have home purifiers.
And now please visit the CleanWaterPure website listed below for updated information on how to remove polluted drinking water from your tap.
We know that pollution is a problem.
Why is Water Polluted? In some cases, it was industry that caused the problem.
For example, MTBE is present in some freshwater supplies, because of underground gasoline storage tanks.
It was a "no-knock" gasoline additive corrosive enough to eat its way out of the tanks and into the groundwater.
Chemicals Found in Water Another example is benzene.
Benzene is a known human carcinogen.
It has been difficult to track exactly how it gets into freshwater supplies, but since it is not a naturally occurring substance, at least in the form found in freshwater samples, industry must have been to blame.
Lindane, alachlor and Atrazine are pesticides and herbicides.
Particularly high levels of these chemicals are found in the states of the Corn Belt and in other areas where agriculture is the main industry.
Farm Runoff - Big Pollution Source Farm runoff is the problem.
Farm runoff is also responsible for cysts.
While they are not really a source of pollution, they can still make you sick.
Cysts are tiny bacteria-like organisms that are resistant to public disinfection systems.
They can only be filtered out at home.
Drug Industry - Dangerous Source The pharmaceutical industry is another cause of polluted drinking water.
Not only because of the wastewater flowing out of the plants, but also because of their "old" advice concerning disposal of expired and unneeded medications.
They advised people to flush them down the toilet.
While it might not be pleasant to think about, anything that you flush could end up in someone's freshwater supply, if they live downstream from you.
In case you missed the news, traces of pharmaceuticals were found in freshwater supplies in practically every major US city and some small towns, too.
Natural Sources Polluted drinking water can also occur naturally.
Lead and perchlorate, for example, are naturally occurring compounds.
Traces of lead are particularly common in older houses, because until recently, lead solder was used in the pipelines.
Both lead and perchlorate are present in the ground.
So, even if your freshwater source is underground, you could still have a problem.
These are only some examples of pollution that exists in freshwater supplies around the US and the world.
Luckily, we can do something about it.
Lobbying for change in the treatment facilities and tighter restrictions on industry might be a good idea, but there would still be polluted drinking water, because it is already a problem.
The Best Thing You Can Do Today - Not Tomorrow The best thing to do is to install effective purifiers in your home.
Private purification is more effective than anything that the public treatment facilities can do.
All of the chemicals and other contaminants mentioned in this article can be removed, if the purifier includes the right steps.
The best purifiers are multi-stage selective filtration devices.
They include granular carbon, a solid carbon and multi-media block, an ion exchange step and a sub-micron particle filter.
Do we have polluted drinking water? Yes, we do.
But, it is only a problem for people that don't have home purifiers.
And now please visit the CleanWaterPure website listed below for updated information on how to remove polluted drinking water from your tap.