How To Attract Women - 3 Myths That Need To Be Busted
Here are the 3 myths that NEED to be BUSTED about attracting a woman:
1. Women only want a man that has money.
Oh boy! This is one of those myths that average guys like to hold on to, so that they don't have to deal with the reality of why they are not successful with women. You just say that women are after guys with money, and it makes it seem okay to not even bother trying. Well, that could not be further from the truth. Are there some women out there that are only after a guy that has money? Sure. Are all women out for the dough? Not at all. Even when a woman thinks that she wants a guy that has a lot of cash, she will usually end up falling for the guy that really makes her feel attraction, even if he only makes a normal salary.
2. Women want a man that has a cool car.
Lot's of guys go out and buy sports cars just because they think this is the secret to attracting women. And there are a lot of guys with nice cars that end up staying at home by themselves on a Friday night. Just having the cool car is not a ticket to success with women, and even in a beater, you can attract women if you know how to pull the right strings. don't think that you need to have the hottest car to get the hottest girl. Hey, I used to have a hooptie and I still could attract more women than any of my friends that had sports cars.
3. You have to be in perfect shape to get a good looking women.
I won't say that it does not add to the appeal, because it does. And I would not purposely get fat just to try and prove a point. But, still, there are lots of guys that could stand to lose a few pounds that are good at pulling attractive women. By all means, you should work on staying fit, but there are much better reasons than just appealing to women. Besides, there are still a lot of single guys that go to the gym 5 times a week, so it muct not be the magic secret.