Team Truck Driving Safety
Team truck driving safety in truck driving, as a profession, is essential and it is important to do the very best we are capable in this area.
As a team, it is important to work together, to pass on vital information to your team member as you end your shift and they start theirs.
To do a good pre-trip inspection of your equipment at the start of your shift is important, not only will this validate if your equipment is in good working order, but also give you a good idea of any weak areas you and your partner may need to keep your eye on.
An even more important safety area is you, to make sure you are taking care of your health in this profession.
This is a very different kind of profession compared to many others.
If it very much a lifestyle more then a profession.
For one, you are not working your shift and then going home to your sanctuary of rest, family, hobbies, home projects, social interaction, and all that goes with your home.
So to make your truck an enjoyable comfortable place, with ways to keep your family connections current, hobbies and projects to have on your down time, and over all make your truck your "second home" as much as possible will be very beneficial in every way.
One vital part of your health is sleep, there can not be enough said in this one aspect.
Getting a good night sleep is extremely important to keep you safe and healthy.
There will be a product that i can not promote enough, to help you in this area coming soon.
I am currently working out all issues in order to get it on this my site.
Though it makes all the difference in getting a good nights sleep with the truck continually going down the road.
So more to come on this.
Back to the point though, sleep is very vital for your safety, health and over all outlook and performance in this field, and you will enjoy your days much more alert and happier.
Another area that is important to mention, is your diet and exercise.
There are not many healthy food places a big truck can get in to easily, unfortunately most are fast foods.
If at all possible get yourselves a small refrigerator.
I do have one posted under the shopping tab that does fit many truck cabs.
Once you have one, most huge super markets have truck parking and you can fill your frig with health items for meals and snacks.
Exercise can be a tricky to maintain with a truck moving down the road almost 24 hours a day.
Though with a couple of small hand held weights, stretching, and on your home time do as much as possible, you can keep yourself relatively healthy in this area.
Team truck driving safety is vital, from the smallest things to the big obvious ones, for not only your team's safety but for everyone you share the road out there with.
As a team, it is important to work together, to pass on vital information to your team member as you end your shift and they start theirs.
To do a good pre-trip inspection of your equipment at the start of your shift is important, not only will this validate if your equipment is in good working order, but also give you a good idea of any weak areas you and your partner may need to keep your eye on.
An even more important safety area is you, to make sure you are taking care of your health in this profession.
This is a very different kind of profession compared to many others.
If it very much a lifestyle more then a profession.
For one, you are not working your shift and then going home to your sanctuary of rest, family, hobbies, home projects, social interaction, and all that goes with your home.
So to make your truck an enjoyable comfortable place, with ways to keep your family connections current, hobbies and projects to have on your down time, and over all make your truck your "second home" as much as possible will be very beneficial in every way.
One vital part of your health is sleep, there can not be enough said in this one aspect.
Getting a good night sleep is extremely important to keep you safe and healthy.
There will be a product that i can not promote enough, to help you in this area coming soon.
I am currently working out all issues in order to get it on this my site.
Though it makes all the difference in getting a good nights sleep with the truck continually going down the road.
So more to come on this.
Back to the point though, sleep is very vital for your safety, health and over all outlook and performance in this field, and you will enjoy your days much more alert and happier.
Another area that is important to mention, is your diet and exercise.
There are not many healthy food places a big truck can get in to easily, unfortunately most are fast foods.
If at all possible get yourselves a small refrigerator.
I do have one posted under the shopping tab that does fit many truck cabs.
Once you have one, most huge super markets have truck parking and you can fill your frig with health items for meals and snacks.
Exercise can be a tricky to maintain with a truck moving down the road almost 24 hours a day.
Though with a couple of small hand held weights, stretching, and on your home time do as much as possible, you can keep yourself relatively healthy in this area.
Team truck driving safety is vital, from the smallest things to the big obvious ones, for not only your team's safety but for everyone you share the road out there with.