Your Heart Holds the Key
You know the old saying "Practice makes perfect." What are you practicing, and therefore perfecting, in your life? This is a very important question, because whether we know it or not, we are all practicing something. Every moment of our lives is actually a practice in living. How are you practicing living?
For example, are you practicing rushing around with too much to do, feeling anxious and that there is not enough time in each day? Or are you practicing grace and ease, going with the flow of each day, affirming everything happens in its own perfect time? This is just one simple example; the key is to wake up to those areas of life where we are in a habitual pattern of being and doing those things that no longer serve us. If they ever did!
One of the most important things you can practice is the opening of your heart. The heart can be an incredibly important energetic and intelligent presence in your life… and many people have no idea it is even there. Through a busy day of doing, doing, doing, you can easily go right up into your head and mind, thinking, thinking, thinking. In the thinking state of being, there is no compassion, only strategy and execution. You are making sure everything gets done "so that then" you can be happy, compassionate, relaxed and connected with other people. The problem is, the doing can become endless and the relaxed and happy state rarely follows.
The key is to notice this pattern… and stop practicing it. If you want to experience more heart in your life and all its amazing benefits - more love, joy, grace, ease, peacefulness, connectedness, and even wise guidance and insight - you must practice.
Conscious and intentional practice is the key to developing any new skill you desire to have in life. It's funny how this is quite obvious when it comes to things like golf, tennis, cooking, painting, or any number of new skills you may want to acquire. However, this fact is far less appreciated when it comes to developing the skill of living a more joy-filled, peaceful, and fully satisfying life. Somehow we think that's just supposed to happen and be given to us, that those skills should be "God-given" to us. Well, that may be true for some people, but it certainly is not the case for most.
So, for most of us, the key is conscious, intentional practice. And the practice of "getting down into" and opening your heart is one of the most powerful practices you can engage. It has, and continues to have, a profound impact on my day-to-day life. Connecting to and opening the heart is a shift in where you are coming from. Can you see that? If you are coming from your head, or your analytical thinking self (that part of us that was trained and developed and practiced through years and years of schooling), you will be strategizing how you can get what you want so you can then be happy. However, if you can shift your awareness into your heart, you will already be happy and your actions become less about "getting what you need to be happy" and more about being of service and doing what's best for all. This is a big shift that makes all the difference in the world.
Whenever I am afraid, or worried, or concerned, I first notice that. Then, I shift my awareness down into my heart. The heart has the power to connect me INTO the world, to restore my place IN the world as an integral part of it, as an already loved, approved, and important part of the whole. From here, I don't "need" anything. The mind will keep me separate, outside the world, looking at it, analyzing it, trying to manipulate it to get what I want and believe I need to be happy. Whereas, when I'm in my heart, I am in the world, and already happy, already joy-filled, already peaceful, already loved.
When you are in your heart, you have access to different actions that produce different results, because you are literally coming from a different place that produces different thoughts! I have seen it over and over: the thoughts and actions that arise from the heart are always the most powerful thoughts and actions and they produce the most amazing and desired results.
I designed my coaching system to help you establish a strong and reliable connection to your heart and bring its peace, love, joy, and wisdom alive in your life.
Try this:
For the next 24 hours or more, see if you can notice those moments when you are afraid of something, worried about something, or are experiencing stress in some acknowledge yourself for noticing! That's a big first step. Then, take several deep belly breaths, relaxing your shoulders, your facial muscles, and your whole body as much as possible. Just release the tension in your body wherever it may be occurring. Then, place your hands on your heart, take a few more deep breaths, and ask yourself "What does my heart say about this situation?" See if you can FEEL INTO the energetic presence of your heart. You might visualize it opening like a lotus flower in your chest. And see if you can sense and allow its wisdom and guidance for your life in this moment to come through. When you get its guidance, take that action, whatever it may be, and see what happens!
Congratulations - you're one step closer to your mojo!
For example, are you practicing rushing around with too much to do, feeling anxious and that there is not enough time in each day? Or are you practicing grace and ease, going with the flow of each day, affirming everything happens in its own perfect time? This is just one simple example; the key is to wake up to those areas of life where we are in a habitual pattern of being and doing those things that no longer serve us. If they ever did!
One of the most important things you can practice is the opening of your heart. The heart can be an incredibly important energetic and intelligent presence in your life… and many people have no idea it is even there. Through a busy day of doing, doing, doing, you can easily go right up into your head and mind, thinking, thinking, thinking. In the thinking state of being, there is no compassion, only strategy and execution. You are making sure everything gets done "so that then" you can be happy, compassionate, relaxed and connected with other people. The problem is, the doing can become endless and the relaxed and happy state rarely follows.
The key is to notice this pattern… and stop practicing it. If you want to experience more heart in your life and all its amazing benefits - more love, joy, grace, ease, peacefulness, connectedness, and even wise guidance and insight - you must practice.
Conscious and intentional practice is the key to developing any new skill you desire to have in life. It's funny how this is quite obvious when it comes to things like golf, tennis, cooking, painting, or any number of new skills you may want to acquire. However, this fact is far less appreciated when it comes to developing the skill of living a more joy-filled, peaceful, and fully satisfying life. Somehow we think that's just supposed to happen and be given to us, that those skills should be "God-given" to us. Well, that may be true for some people, but it certainly is not the case for most.
So, for most of us, the key is conscious, intentional practice. And the practice of "getting down into" and opening your heart is one of the most powerful practices you can engage. It has, and continues to have, a profound impact on my day-to-day life. Connecting to and opening the heart is a shift in where you are coming from. Can you see that? If you are coming from your head, or your analytical thinking self (that part of us that was trained and developed and practiced through years and years of schooling), you will be strategizing how you can get what you want so you can then be happy. However, if you can shift your awareness into your heart, you will already be happy and your actions become less about "getting what you need to be happy" and more about being of service and doing what's best for all. This is a big shift that makes all the difference in the world.
Whenever I am afraid, or worried, or concerned, I first notice that. Then, I shift my awareness down into my heart. The heart has the power to connect me INTO the world, to restore my place IN the world as an integral part of it, as an already loved, approved, and important part of the whole. From here, I don't "need" anything. The mind will keep me separate, outside the world, looking at it, analyzing it, trying to manipulate it to get what I want and believe I need to be happy. Whereas, when I'm in my heart, I am in the world, and already happy, already joy-filled, already peaceful, already loved.
When you are in your heart, you have access to different actions that produce different results, because you are literally coming from a different place that produces different thoughts! I have seen it over and over: the thoughts and actions that arise from the heart are always the most powerful thoughts and actions and they produce the most amazing and desired results.
I designed my coaching system to help you establish a strong and reliable connection to your heart and bring its peace, love, joy, and wisdom alive in your life.
Try this:
For the next 24 hours or more, see if you can notice those moments when you are afraid of something, worried about something, or are experiencing stress in some acknowledge yourself for noticing! That's a big first step. Then, take several deep belly breaths, relaxing your shoulders, your facial muscles, and your whole body as much as possible. Just release the tension in your body wherever it may be occurring. Then, place your hands on your heart, take a few more deep breaths, and ask yourself "What does my heart say about this situation?" See if you can FEEL INTO the energetic presence of your heart. You might visualize it opening like a lotus flower in your chest. And see if you can sense and allow its wisdom and guidance for your life in this moment to come through. When you get its guidance, take that action, whatever it may be, and see what happens!
Congratulations - you're one step closer to your mojo!