Do Orange Trees Need Special Soil to Grow?
- Soils that are sandy generally have good drainage that orange trees require. Standing water and puddling for long periods will kill orange trees. Soil with a clay layer under a sandy layer does not drain well enough for orange trees. Growing an orange tree in a raised bed overcomes drainage issues.
- Oranges thrive in soils that have a pH range of 6.0 to 8.0. Have soil tested at the county agricultural extension office for pH when in doubt.
- Sandy soil depths to approximately 10 to 15 feet with a water table level at 5 feet or greater have good drainage suitable for orange trees. Orange trees grow best when salinity levels of groundwater are less than 1,280 parts per million for total salts in native soil.
- Indicators of orange trees grown in soils that are not well drained or too high in salt content include poor growth, die back of the tree and loss of leaves.
Level of pH
Water and Salinity