How to Get Over Your Ex-Girlfriend AND Get Her Back at The Same Time
You might have thought that she was the one for you, that no other woman would ever make you feel the same way that she did.
It's even more to handle when you feel like you are still into her, you still want her, and you cannot stop thinking about her.
Is there a way that you can both get over her and get her back at the same time? Yes, there is.
What most men do not realize is that you kind of have to get over her in a way if you are going to get her back.
Let me explain a little bit better.
If you are not over her, if you are constantly yearning to be with her again, then there is only one way that you are going to end up appearing in her eyes.
As much as you might try and fight it, and as much as you might even try to deny it, if there are still lingering feelings that you have not gotten over-- you are going to look desperate in some way.
It might be that you start to call her as much as possible, even more so than you did when you were in the relationship just to feel like something is still there.
Whatever it is, it will end up making it harder for you to get her back.
So, point blank, if you want to get her back-- you have to get over her.
Not only that, but you also have to figure out what will make her change the way that she feels about you.
See, if she continues to feel the same way when she thinks of you, then you are probably never going to get back with her.
So, there has to be a change there.
You also have to have a plan already in mind.
If a guy has absolutely no plan at all already in mind and he wants to get his girlfriend back, you can be sure that the likeliness of it actually happening are not all that good.
Whatever it is that you want to achieve in life, it gets much easier when you have a plan.
And that includes trying to get back with your ex girlfriend.
Give yourself the best odds and have a proven plan to win her back.