Tricks to Get Rid of Acne
- Proper nutrition is vital to helping your skin clear up acne problems. A perfect diet will not end acne problems, but it is an important tool for fighting break-outs. Eating a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water creates healthy skin. Healthy skin is much more capable of fighting off potential acne and healing current acne. It can help reduce the severity of your overall acne problems, as well as reduce the severity of resulting scars.
- Proper skin care is a cornerstone for getting rid of acne. You need to wash your face two times a day, no more and no less. Washing your face more than two times a day strips essential oils from the skin and results in an over-production of natural oils that can clog pores and cause acne. Washing your face less than two times a day can allow too much dirt to build up, resulting in clogged pores that cause acne.
Use a gentle, acne fighting cleanser when you wash your face. Harsh or scrubbing cleansers will just irritate clogged pores, causing them to swell and create pimples. Look for products that contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. These ingredients help dry oils and sanitize skin. Remember to rinse your face well after cleansing to remove excess soap. Gently pat your face dry with a clean towel to remove moisture from the skin without irritating it. - Getting rid of acne requires keeping your skin clean. This clean and clear technique takes much more than just washing your face, though. You want to avoid anything that adds excess dirt and oil to your skin. Make small changes, such as pulling long hair away from your face and keeping your pillowcases clean, to help prevent acne.
Never pick, poke or pop a pimple. The irritation will make your acne worse and may result in a large scar. In fact, you should avoid touching your acne as much as possible. Ideally, your hands should only come in contact with your face when cleansing the skin and putting on makeup.
Make sure to choose oil-free products created for acne prone skin if you wear makeup. Wash your skin and apply any acne medications before applying makeup. Wear the lightest amount of makeup you can tolerate. Remember, the more makeup on your face, the more there is to clog your pores. Always wash your makeup off thoroughly before exercising or going to bed at night.
Skin Care