Dating Tips - Two Dangerous Mistakes You Must Avoid When Dating Hot Women
Use these dating tips to help you avoid these mistakes and be the perfect man for women you are dating.
Women are great at interpreting every one of your moves and gestures.
They will be scanning you every time you come near them.
This can be even more frequent when you are dating them.
Women are truly afraid of hitting the jackpot in terms of bad dates.
This is why you are going to find them testing you every now and then to see if you are truly who you assume you are.
These dating tips I'm going to give you are in the forms of two mistakes that most guys tend to do with women.
If you avoid them, I can assure you that you will find no difficulty attracting hot women and dating them the right way.
· The first dating tip is giving her the command.
I can't think of a much more terrible mistake one can make with women.
It's letting her take control.
Don't get me wrong here, I have no problems with women, in fact, I love women very much.
But there is something that women won't love about you.
It's you not taking charge of her and the situations.
This is probably the first thing a woman will dump you for.
If you are unable to take charge, she will find someone who does.
How can you take charge and assume your responsibilities? You do it by being the decision maker.
If you are not accustomed to it, you are going to find it very difficult at first, but women can't be attracted without this trait being a part of you.
Always choose where you would like to take her.
Always choose the time.
Always take the lead.
If you see her trying to challenge you with the decision making, just chill out and lean backward, don't stop her or argue with her, just watch her fail and get back to you.
Women will challenge you the first time you do it, they will try to give you "better plans", simply ignore them and go on with your decision.
This will sound very rude, but trust me; it's the way things are meant to be.
· The second dating tip is make too much efforts All guys want to matter to women.
This is why they will put all their efforts into being perfect and taking her to a great place and offering her the greatest thing...
This is very noble, but the truth is that most women won't care if you do all these efforts.
What they truly want is having a man besides them who knows how valuable he is, this is the reason why I've written an article previously about how to make women find you very attractive and challenging, it's titled Why You Should Play Hard to Get With a Woman, it's the best knowledge you can get about how to make yourself valuable to women.