How to Use Flax Seeds
- 1). Add ground flaxseed to a bowl of oatmeal or hot cereal. This increases the fiber content of the cereal, and adds omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for heart health.
- 2). Sprinkle 1 or 2 tbsp. of ground flaxseed into your yogurt for added fiber and lignans, which can reduce the risk of cancer. According to the American Institute of Cancer Research, "Researchers also hypothesize that these lignans could possibly weaken the male hormone testosterone effects on prostate cancer." Flaxseed has up to 800 times more lignans than other plants used for food, according to WebMD.
- 3). Add ground flaxseed when baking to replace some of the fat in the recipe. Because flaxseed contains omega-3s, which are a good type of fat, this boosts the nutritional value of the dish you're preparing. According to the University of Missouri, "you can replace some of the fat in a recipe with a 3:1 substitution. For example, use ¾ cup of ground flaxseed for ¼ cup of oil." This rule applies to baked foods like breads or muffins; flaxseed makes a healthy addition to meatloaf, as well.
- 4). Sprinkle a couple of tbsp. of ground flaxseed in the foods you normally eat, such as salads or smoothies, for a boost of fiber in your diet. Flaxseed contains both soluble and insoluble fibers; soluble fiber helps to lower cholesterol and blood sugar, while insoluble fiber encourages healthy bowel movement, while balancing the acidity level of the intestines, according to Healthcastle Nutrition.