Your Ex is Avoiding You, But You Can Still Get Them Back
If you want your ex back, but they are holding a grudge against you for the breakup, don't despair, you can still patch things up.
These tips will help you to eliminate the grudges, and turn your ex into a partner that loves and respects you with all their heart.
Admit your mistakes Your ex may hold some resentment against you for things that you said or did that led to your breakup.
Your task is to admit to those mistakes, and apologize for them.
Be sincere in your apology, and make sure your ex understands that you are working on making changes.
This should remove all the grudges and hard feelings that your ex may have for you.
Gain your ex's respect Accept the breakup and move on with your life.
Constantly bothering your ex to get back together will only make them more determined to live their life without you.
If you pull yourself together, and move forward with your life, you ex will see that you are handling yourself with dignity and maturity, and this will gain their respect.
Take care of you Be kind to yourself and do the things that you've been neglecting.
Start a new class or find a new hobby.
Get a fresh haircut, try new makeup, go to the gym and work out.
The better you look the better you will feel.
The better you feel, the more confidence you will have.
The more confidence in yourself you have, the more attractive you will be to others.
With your new look and newly restored confidence, you can find reasons to be around your ex without putting any pressure on them to get back together.
Sit back and relax All that's left to do is wait for your ex to notice the changes you have made and be overcome with desire to have you back in their life.
The next move is up to your ex, and if you've done all the steps necessary to remove any grudges that they may have felt towards you, that call should come soon.