Enhance Your Memory and Brain Function Naturally

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Whether it's a change in hormones, aging or being overloaded with tasks, you will often see that the performance of your memory is not as strong as you like it to be. As a result of which you may want to improve the function of your brain for reducing further decline later on. Keeping a strong memory is also good for emotional well-being. It is because difficulties with memories tend to enhance your level of stress and frustration.

Consider the natural ways to improve the function of your memory and brain:

Get more oxygen

Go for a walk every day for at least 30 minutes for 5 days in a week. This will help to enhance the flow of blood to your brain. Do stretching exercises in the morning while sitting on the bed and lift your knees to your chest. If you start your day in this way, it will improve your blood circulation, enliven your mood and will also boost up your energy level. Remember that exercising is a wonderful way to get oxygen to your brain. Your breathing pattern will also change if you do exercise every day. Take deep and full breaths for increasing blood flow and oxygen and stimulating your brain function. Engage yourself in Yoga, meditation, Qi gong breathing and other movement exercises.

Do remember small details

Keep in mind that the brain is just like a muscle. If you do not use your brain, it will become weak in due course of time and will decrease your memory function. Try to exercise your brain by memorizing small details like a poem, a new song or a passage. Recall past events for strengthening the performance of your memory. Make the habit of reading as well as solving mathematical problems, crossword puzzles to improve the function of your brain and memory.

Make use of hands

Try to make use of your hands for improving the function of your brain like using your opposing, non-dominant hand for carrying out daily tasks. Undertake tasks involving the use of your fingers like sewing, crafts, finger string games, painting, building models and making puzzles. Remember that involving your finger movements to accomplish a task will help to enhance your brain function.

Take memory boosting foods

Try to take memory boosting foods like squash, sweet potatoes, broccoli, spinach, cabbage, carrots, soybeans, kidney beans, black beans, nuts, apricots, berries and oranges. Green tea also helps to keep away Alzheimers and enhance brain function. Eat herbs like Sage, Rosemary, Mugwort, Gingko, GOTO Kola, Ginseng and Brahmi for improving memory performance. Moreover you could take supplements for the brain. Some useful supplements include L-Carnitine, L-Acetylcarnitine, Vitamin E, L-theanine, L-glutamine, Omega 3 and Vitamin B-1. Take the right supplement after consulting with your doctor and improve your brain function gradually.

Be careful of memory depleting chemicals

The chemicals in the containers made up of plastics and aluminium often have a negative effect on your health and memory performance. Beware of the containers you drink and eat as they may contain potential hazards. You should also find out the way to lower the harm of the containers so that they are free of toxic elements. Make use of containers made up of bamboo, stainless steel and glass in order to keep your body healthy and your memory strong. Items containing formaldehyde in mattresses, solvents, foam insulation, tobacco smoke, automobile exhaust and particle board also have negative effects on brain and health.

Check out these simple tips and enhance your memory function. Following these steps will certainly help you to improve the performance of your brain and let you live in a healthy way.
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