How to Build Your Own Walk-In Cigar Humidor
- 1). Cover the existing walls with 100% genuine cedar paneling. Do not use any other wood paneling, or fake cedar as it will warp and fall apart. Cover the entire room as well, do not leave blank areas. Do not cover the ceiling as the ceilings will not be warped by the humidity in the same way as a wall is, because ceilings are constructed differently.
- 2). Try to pick a room with existing ceramic tile flooring. Replace the flooring with the ceramic tile if the room is already carpeted or has vinyl or concrete floors. Install 100% cedar shelves. Place the cigars on the shelves, or the stacked cigar boxes on the shelves for display.
- 3). Place the automated humidor in a corner of the room. Set the humidor to 70% humidity and let it run as long as there are cigars in the room. Fill the water bay of the humidifier daily to ensure that the humidity is stable. Make sure the temperature in the room never goes more than 3 degrees higher or lower than 70 degrees Fahrenheit (this is known as the 70/70 rule).