Post Operative Knee Braces - How To Find A Provider Near You
How is your knee doing? Are you going to undergo a knee surgery and are going to need a brace afterward? Are one of your patient's going to need a knee support after surgery and you want to get them the right level of support? 1.
) The Use of Post Operative Knee Supports Post "Op", aka post operative knee braces, have a unique use.
It is wise not to compare them to the other off the shelf devices that are out there.
Post operative knee supports are typically used directly after a surgery and then within time, your doctor could have you wean into another type of knee support.
- If you have ever seen someone play sports with a knee brace on, it is probably fair to assume that this is not a post operative knee support, but rather a functional brace of some kind.
) How Post Operative Knee Braces Are Unique The knee joint on many post operative knee braces is unique.
Many times they are designed to lock in varying degrees of flexion, or in extension.
The point is that when you are about to use your leg more, after some healing has occurred, then your physician may allow you to start to move your knee more.
This means that you will be able to quickly adjust the knee joint (or your local orthotist should probably do it for you).
After you have healed, then your doctor may agree to have you get a "sports" knee brace or an everyday knee support that will keep you supported without having the length of a post operative knee support to deal with.
- Many post operative supports extend at least 12" above and below the knee center (if not more).
They are designed this way for good reason, because you will need the maximum amount of support after your surgical procedure.
) Finding A Brace Company Near You - Chicago Example It is best to have a licensed orthotist fit and deliver you with this kind of a brace.
After a surgery it is not time to accidentally put this brace on the wrong way and an orthotist can really help in this way.
- Go to Google and type in "Post operative knee brace" and "Chicago", for example and you will find a provider in your area (if you live or work in Chicago).
This example can apply elsewhere.
) The Use of Post Operative Knee Supports Post "Op", aka post operative knee braces, have a unique use.
It is wise not to compare them to the other off the shelf devices that are out there.
Post operative knee supports are typically used directly after a surgery and then within time, your doctor could have you wean into another type of knee support.
- If you have ever seen someone play sports with a knee brace on, it is probably fair to assume that this is not a post operative knee support, but rather a functional brace of some kind.
) How Post Operative Knee Braces Are Unique The knee joint on many post operative knee braces is unique.
Many times they are designed to lock in varying degrees of flexion, or in extension.
The point is that when you are about to use your leg more, after some healing has occurred, then your physician may allow you to start to move your knee more.
This means that you will be able to quickly adjust the knee joint (or your local orthotist should probably do it for you).
After you have healed, then your doctor may agree to have you get a "sports" knee brace or an everyday knee support that will keep you supported without having the length of a post operative knee support to deal with.
- Many post operative supports extend at least 12" above and below the knee center (if not more).
They are designed this way for good reason, because you will need the maximum amount of support after your surgical procedure.
) Finding A Brace Company Near You - Chicago Example It is best to have a licensed orthotist fit and deliver you with this kind of a brace.
After a surgery it is not time to accidentally put this brace on the wrong way and an orthotist can really help in this way.
- Go to Google and type in "Post operative knee brace" and "Chicago", for example and you will find a provider in your area (if you live or work in Chicago).
This example can apply elsewhere.