Dealing With Headache Symptoms
Headaches are a very common affliction.
Almost all people will experience a headache at least once during their lifetime.
They can cause quite a significant amount of pain.
Some headache symptoms include: a pain that affects any part of the head, sometimes accompanied by nausea, also sometimes accompanied by neck pain, dizziness, and disorientation.
Sometimes the onset of a severe headache can be explained and other times it can be difficult to determine what caused your pain.
However it is very important to determine whether or not you should seek medical help for your headache.
There is much confusion to what causes a headache or what a headache actually is.
It is believed that some headaches are caused by constricted blood flow in the blood vessels around the head.
While other headaches are thought to originate from severe muscle contractions that after the muscles are relaxed cause pain.
However it has little to do with the brain directly since brain tissue itself has no sensitivity to pain.
There are many different types of headaches that can affect you, and it can help you treat your pain properly to know which type of headache you are experiencing.
Some of the migraine symptoms are moderate to very severe pain which usually only affects one side of the head, pulsing and throbbing in the head, pain that worsen with no treatment or that interferes with normal activity, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, sensitivity to light and sound, also experiencing auras before you migraine is a definite sign of a migraine.
Auras are flashes of light or sometimes sound, or feelings of pins and needles in your limbs.
If you have the symptoms of a migraine fast treatment is recommend as the longer the treatment is delayed the longer the migraine may last.
Sinus headache symptoms are: pain located in the cheekbones, forehead, and/or the bridge of the nose, the pain usually worsen with sudden movement or bending over, and usually you will have a stuffy nose, fever, swelling in the face, and a plugged feeling in the ears.
If you are experiencing neck pain and headache it is quite common the two are connected.
Some things that can cause neck pain symptoms are: stress, strain, migraines, cluster headaches, gum chewing, meningitis, among a few others.
When you are experiencing headache and are dizzy there are many things that could be plaguing you such as: a migraine, trauma, heat exhaustion, stroke, and a few others.
If you had a traumatic experience go seek medical advice.