The Fool-Proof Tactic That Will Get Your Ex Back Fast - Pulling Your Ex Back Has Never Been Easier!
The spotlight- If you were to stand on a stage, and have a spotlight on you; you will find that it is very bright and you cannot see anyone in the audience.
People on the stage are told to look downwards or elsewhere, so it doesn't hurt their eyes.
While the spotlight may make you feel good, it also makes you hot and you become sweaty.
Compare this to your ex now..
you are giving your ex a spotlight since the breakup.
This is driven by your desperation and fear of losing your ex.
You want him/her more now, than you did before, and your ex is well aware of that.
Just like the actors cannot see out into the audience, you are giving your ex so much attention that they cannot see you through that spotlight.
As well, you are heating up the situation by freaking out and constantly calling your ex and trying to get back together.
This makes your ex "sweaty" and uncomfortable.
You may also be arguing with your ex to get back together with you, and may even be begging him/her.
All of this combined gives your ex such an ego boost that they prefer being separated from you, because they feel they are getting more attention and more from you now, than they ever did before.
The solution- The solution is simple, stop all contact with your ex for at least two weeks.
Once you do this, your ex will feel rejected and attention hungry so badly that he/she will chase you madly now.
The chase is what your ex wants, so why not give it?