Plants That Deter Squirrels and Mosquitoes
- Strong smells deter squirrels. Use strong-smelling garden plants as a natural repellent to keep squirrels and other odor-sensitive rodents away. Hot chili and cayenne peppers both emit an odor when you crush them that will drive away squirrels. Powder the peppers, mix them with water and spray them directly on plants to act as a squirrel deterrent. Spreading powdered peppers around the edges of the garden also works to keep these pests away.
- Many plants and herbs give off aromas that deter pests both large and small. Many highly aromatic plants and herbs may deter insects and rodents, including squirrels. Artemisia, or sagebrush, gives off a powerful odor that keeps small insects and animals away. Chrysanthemums repel a wide range of insects, and the flowers are a common ingredient in pesticides because they work so well to keep harmful bugs away. Garlic, which also produces a strong odor, deters various insects.
- Plants in the mint family emit strong odors that squirrels find distasteful. Other pests and rodents are also put off by the smell of mint. Nepeta, or catnip, one of the most strongly scented mint plants, deters many small rodents and undesirable pests, including squirrels. In addition to small rodents like squirrels, catnip repels mosquitoes. Catnip is well-known for attracting cats, however, and this may be problematic for gardeners with pets.
- Aromatic basil acts as a natural mosquito repellent in the garden, but don't plant it near rue -- the two compete with each other and neither will thrive. Other aromatic herbs like rosemary, thyme and lemon balm are also unattractive to mosquitoes. Lemon grass is a natural source of citronella oil, the same ingredient used in candles and other scented products that deter mosquitoes. The scent of the grass helps to keep mosquitoes away. Marigolds, which are very aromatic, also release a scent that deters mosquitoes.
Plant Pesticide
Pest Repellent Plants
Squirrel Repellent
Mosquito Repellent