What"s My Purpose in Life? Why Am I Here?
About three years ago, while I was traveling in New Zealand, I wen through quite the experience due to drug abuse. I completely lost my sense of reality for more than a week, I saw things that weren't there, I constantly faded out and I even heard the infamous voices inside my head. My flatmates and friends thought that I had completely lost it, they were really worried about my mental health. I constantly hallucinated. Most of my hallucinations resulted in large amounts of mental distress, anxiety and a lot of suffering. It was quite awful. A few of my delusions, however, provided me with profound personal and spiritual insights that I was not able to fully understand and grasp, but left me wanting more.
After I came back to my senses I had a sense of complete detachment from reality. I experienced a deep existential crisis. How could I ever be certain "reality" was real anymore?
I set out on a furious quest for answers to life's deepest questions. Who and what am I? Why am I here on Earth? What is real and what's illusion? What's the TRUTH?
I went to libraries and read like a mad man, I spent most of my free time searching the web and stayed up all night watching YouTube videos. I dove deeply into all sort of subjects; Quantum Physics, New Age thinking, Buddhism, Illuminati Theories, Ancient Aliens and many, many more.
It was on this pursuit of satisfying my hunger for meaning that the most wonderful book I have ever read was gratefully given to me by a great spiritual teacher named Aida Castaneda. It was in this book that I finally found the answers I had been so restlessly looking for. I have been on a path to understanding and making them a part of my life ever since.
"What is my purpose in life?" Was probably the most burning question on my mind at the time. I got a simple, yet magnificent answer from Neale Walsch's transforming book:.
This is the joy of creating Self. Of becoming, consciously, what you wish to be.".
"It is your soul's only desire to turn its grandest concept about itself into its greatest experience.".
We, spiritual beings having a human experience, have come to this physical plane of existence so that we could be able to CREATE ourselves, to EXPERIENCE our greatest vision of ourselves. This is our HIGHEST purpose. To decide who and what we desire to commit and become to creating ourselves.
Who and what do YOU decide to become? Do you decide to create yourself as love? As compassion? As honesty, discipline, abundance? How about wealth and generosity?
Or will you let yourself be unconsciously weakened by mediocrity, fear, selfishness or hate?
Which version of yourself will you create? Are you willing to COMMIT to becoming your most magnificent self? All that you need to do is DECIDE if you are. DECIDE that creating your most magnificent self is your number one priority, your mission, your PURPOSE. The most amazing thing is that, once you truly commit, once deep down inside of you this truly becomes your most intense desire, the Universe will take care of the rest.
It is by dedicating my time, my energy, my life and myself to this purpose that I have found the greatest sense of fulfillment, happiness and significance. I am more passionate about life that I had ever been before. And though as a human being I have many, many flaws and I make lots and lots of wrong decisions, I know that each day I am becoming better and better. I know that I am getting closer and closer to realizing my most magnificent vision of my life and myself. When I go to bed, and this makes me feel incredibly content and satisfied every night.
I leave you with an inspiring quote from the great sculptor Michelangelo for us to reflect upon.
"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free."
May you become the grandest version of yourself.