How to Save Money Eating Fruits and Vegetables
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Balanced Diet
Mineral deficiency will cause dysfunction and problems to the body's internal homeostatic mechanisms, which can lead to illness and diseases. Fruits and vegetables are vital components of a healthy and balanced diet. Adding supplements and multivitamins will give additional boosts to your diet, especially if you are a strict vegan or vegetarian. - 2
Red Pigmented Vegetables
Include fruits and vegetables containing the red color or pigment in your diet. There are many types of "red" pigmented vegetables that are readily available at supermarkets and farmers markets. Tomatoes, red cabbage and red onions are delicious and have many healthy properties. The red pigment in tomatoes is lycopene, which has been found to have blood pressure-lowering and anti-cancer properties. - 3
Fresh Celery
Consume celery, green peppers, and leafy "green" vegetables, which contain minerals essential for supporting the health and internal regulation of the body. The green pigment is due to the presence of chlorophyll, which is important for maintaining good vision and preventing eye diseases including blindness. Spinach, broccoli, kale and green peas are great examples of "greens." It is better to eat the vegetables raw in salads rather than cooked, since cooking causes "denaturing" or "leaching" of the essential minerals.