Candidiasis Oral Yeast Infection
The fungus Candida is present in many parts of the body including the mouth and throat.
When the number of yeast eating bacteria is drastically reduced in those parts, oral yeast infection will surely follow.
And people who have experienced having it can attest to how painful and difficult it can be.
What is oral Candidiasis? Oral Candidiasis or thrush as it's commonly called is caused by an overgrowth of the fungus Candida albicans.
There are several ways of getting this infection, namely the following: - Medication like antibiotics and corticosteroids can disrupt the delicate balance between different microorganisms which allows excessive proliferation of Candida that leads to oral yeast infection.
- Fungi are opportunistic organisms and people who have weakened or compromised immune system are most likely to experience a population explosion of yeast.
It's a very common illness associated with people who have HIV, diabetes, and cancer.
- Hormonal changes especially in women also disturb the balance between good bacteria and fungi in the body.
It's why there's high incidence of oral yeast infection in pregnant women and individuals who take hormone altering medication like steroids.
- Smoking and consuming too much beer or other alcoholic substances contribute significantly to the presence of yeast in the body.
Beer and other beverages that undergo fermentation are linked to massive multiplication of fungus which is the main reason why alcoholics are also commonly affected by this medical condition.
Smoking, on the other hand, reduces the capacity of the lungs to supply clean blood to different organs effectively reducing the immune response to oral yeast infection.
It also causes dryness in the mouth which kills good bacteria.
Thrush Symptoms Candidiasis oral presence is considered normal until they grow out of control because of the factors previously mentioned.
Oral Candidiasis mostly occurs suddenly but it can slowly develop under the right conditions.
It is therefore recommended for persons at risk to take the necessary precautions before it's too late.
For people who are prone to acquiring this disease, here are symptoms to watch out for: - Creamy white lesions usually located inside the cheeks and on the tongue.
It can also appear in the throat, gums, or tonsils.
They are very painful and can sometimes cause bleeding.
In extreme cases, lesions can occur in the esophagus which can lead to difficulty in swallowing.
- Flu like symptoms is common for all types of Candidiasis infection and one can also expect to experience loss of focus and concentration.
Irritability and anger is apparent for people who thrush.
When experiencing symptoms of oral yeast infection, it is important to seek help for proper medication.
It's also crucial to watch one's diet and eating habits to ensure that that the body is well taken care of for a good immune system.
When the number of yeast eating bacteria is drastically reduced in those parts, oral yeast infection will surely follow.
And people who have experienced having it can attest to how painful and difficult it can be.
What is oral Candidiasis? Oral Candidiasis or thrush as it's commonly called is caused by an overgrowth of the fungus Candida albicans.
There are several ways of getting this infection, namely the following: - Medication like antibiotics and corticosteroids can disrupt the delicate balance between different microorganisms which allows excessive proliferation of Candida that leads to oral yeast infection.
- Fungi are opportunistic organisms and people who have weakened or compromised immune system are most likely to experience a population explosion of yeast.
It's a very common illness associated with people who have HIV, diabetes, and cancer.
- Hormonal changes especially in women also disturb the balance between good bacteria and fungi in the body.
It's why there's high incidence of oral yeast infection in pregnant women and individuals who take hormone altering medication like steroids.
- Smoking and consuming too much beer or other alcoholic substances contribute significantly to the presence of yeast in the body.
Beer and other beverages that undergo fermentation are linked to massive multiplication of fungus which is the main reason why alcoholics are also commonly affected by this medical condition.
Smoking, on the other hand, reduces the capacity of the lungs to supply clean blood to different organs effectively reducing the immune response to oral yeast infection.
It also causes dryness in the mouth which kills good bacteria.
Thrush Symptoms Candidiasis oral presence is considered normal until they grow out of control because of the factors previously mentioned.
Oral Candidiasis mostly occurs suddenly but it can slowly develop under the right conditions.
It is therefore recommended for persons at risk to take the necessary precautions before it's too late.
For people who are prone to acquiring this disease, here are symptoms to watch out for: - Creamy white lesions usually located inside the cheeks and on the tongue.
It can also appear in the throat, gums, or tonsils.
They are very painful and can sometimes cause bleeding.
In extreme cases, lesions can occur in the esophagus which can lead to difficulty in swallowing.
- Flu like symptoms is common for all types of Candidiasis infection and one can also expect to experience loss of focus and concentration.
Irritability and anger is apparent for people who thrush.
When experiencing symptoms of oral yeast infection, it is important to seek help for proper medication.
It's also crucial to watch one's diet and eating habits to ensure that that the body is well taken care of for a good immune system.