How to Have a Strong Art Portfolio
- 1). Select the pieces that show off your abilities and prove you can do the job. Instead of trying to squeeze everything in, focus on the handful of pieces that will leave the biggest impact.
- 2). Give your work a professional presentation. Don't use sloppy photographs or scans of your work, use high-quality images whether they are posted online or printed, and set your work in a sturdy binder or on a well-designed webpage.
- 3). Present your artwork (and your contact information) simply and directly, avoiding things that will distract viewers, like a cluttered notebook or a website that is flashy or difficult to navigate.
- 4). Separate your work into sections if you have distinct kinds of work, like photography and illustration, keeping the style of each section unified.
- 5). Have additional materials on hand to share, particularly with a physical portfolio. These include resumes, an artist statement, business cards and postcards, articles about your work, and information about your previous clients (if you have them). At the very least, you should have something to hand out that includes your contact information.
- 6). Keep your portfolio up to date with your recent work.
- 7). Seek advice from friends, professionals and anyone else willing to take a look. Extra eyes can help you get a clear sense of what work will make the best impression and help you tweak your order and presentation.