How to Propagate Variegated Dogwood Plants
- 1). Take a 4-inch cutting from a stem tip. Choose a stem that has not turned hard, and cut it from the variegated dogwood 1/4 inch below a node, which is the area on the stem where a leaf joins it.
- 2). Pull the foliage from the cutting, leaving two leaves at the tip. Place the cutting in a cup of water while you prepare the pot.
- 3). Combine equal parts of sphagnum peat moss and builder's sand and pour it into a nursery pot to within 1/2 inch of the rim. Saturate the medium with water. Use a pencil to poke a planting hole in the soil.
- 4). Pour a dime-sized portion of rooting hormone onto a piece of waxed paper and roll the bottom inch of the cutting in the powder. Place that end of the cutting in the prepared planting hole and use your hands to pat the soil around the cutting. The cutting should be buried up to 1/2 inch below the leaves.
- 5). Place the potted cutting in a plastic bag, leaving the top of the bag open. Place the variegated dogwood cutting in a sunny area, keep the soil moist and mist it daily with water. Give the cutting a gentle tug in eight weeks. If it meets with resistance, the cutting has rooted.