Architecture Colleges in England
- Three of the top-ranked universities in England offering architectural studies are Cambridge, Bath and University College London. Each of these colleges has its own unique approach to architecture with an assortment of degree and research programs. England has a long and varied experience with architecture as an island nation that has seen more than its fair share of invaders and occupiers. Each new culture brought its own architectural style and then used the locally available materials to create new styles, making architectural study in England rich and varied.
- The Department of Architecture at the University of Cambridge focuses on academics and stresses its fascination not only with students knowing the technical aspects of architecture but also deep understanding of the theoretical, historical and cultural aspects of the discipline. The university offers five degrees in architecture.
The research arm of architecture at the university is the Martin Centre for Architectural and Urban Studies. Here, research continues on cities and transportation, sustainable building, communication and visualization, history and theory, risk, and conflict in cities. Each of these main research topics are further broken down into a multitude of research efforts ranging from building physics to traditional building construction. - The Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering at the University of Bath highlights its holistic-thinking approach to the built environment. Central to that philosophy is the blending of the engineering and architectural disciplines by educating architects and civil engineers together.
The university has three parts to its architectural degree program with the final part conferring a Postgraduate certificate in Professional Practice. There are two core areas to the university's architectural research efforts. The Centre for Innovative Construction Materials explores low carbon building materials and reinforcement technologies. The Centre for Advanced Studies in Architecture probes the architecture of Rome and the Renaissance, and the English Baroque style. - The Bartlett School of Architecture at the University College of London claims a reputation of being at the forefront of the world architectural debate. Formed in 1841, the school today prides itself in being a force behind "different architectures."
The college offers 11 programs with varying levels of degrees. Its research is heavily focused on experimental design and the college has won many awards for innovative buildings constructed across the world. Other research activities focus heavily on conceptual design and exploration of technological innovation in architecture.
University College London