Car Accidents Caused By Texting and Driving
Owning a cell phone has many benefits. It provides you with access to your friends or family if you need assistance or even simply gives you something to do with your extra time, such as play games, text your friends or post on social media.
As a result, unfortunately, many drivers have assumed that they have the ability to use their phones at all times including while they're driving. This not only poses a danger to the driver, but it poses a hazard to everyone else on the road.
Safety Issues
Distracted driving has now been placed in the same category as drunk driving. In fact, thisarticle states that texting while driving has replaced drunk driving as the leading cause of teenage deaths.
Although studies have shown that drivers ages 18 to 64 admit to talking on the phone while driving, they have also shown that over 3,300 people were killed in crashes involving drivers that were distracted in 2012.
The biggest concern is that your focus leaves the road and shifts to your cell phone or whichever activity you are trying to perform.
What is Being Done?
There are many ways to prevent these accidents and fatalities. There are many support groups and growing communities who insist on standing behind the idea that texting can wait. Getting involved with these groups can help you feel confident in the fact that you are taking a stand against texting while driving.
While there are many laws in place that can result in a ticket if you are caught texting and driving, it is usually too late.
How You Can Prevent an Accident
It's important to take a stand against texting and driving. The more people who get behind the idea and promote awareness, the less fatalities and injuries will occur.
- If you see a friend or family member texting while driving, ask them to stop. Remind them of the dangers that can come with distracted driving.
- Take an oath and ask your friends and family to do the same. Promoting awareness about texting and driving is just as important as avoiding it.
- If you have to answer a text or call in the case of an emergency, pull over to the side of the road. It may take a few moments longer, but it can save your life or someone else's.
- Invest in a Bluetooth device or hook your phone up to your vehicle. Many newer vehicles have the option of connecting a phone to the stereo, so that when it rings, you can answer it with your voice.