How Does Rain X Work?
- Rain X is a window treatment method that helps dramatically improve visibility while driving in any conditions involving precipitation such as rain, snow or sleet. Rain X works by repelling these liquid obstacles before they have had a chance to bond to the windshield and limit vision. This helps drivers navigate more safely during hazardous conditions.
- Rain X is made up of special polymers. This emulsion formula of polymers reacts with the pores in vehicle glass, creating a surface that can no longer accept precipitation. Because of this, water droplets do not stick to the surface, but instead, gather together in droplets, and roll off the windshield or other glass surfaces.
- Not only do these polymers repel precipitation, the chemically bonded molecules also repels soap, insects and mud, and can even help prevent the build up of frost during periods of cold weather.
- One application of Rain X lasts for an estimated 3 months, but this time can vary, depending on how often the windshield wipers are used. Rain X can be purchased at most automotive and convenience stores. It is easily applied by using either the self contained towelettes, or by applying the solution to a microfiber cloth and wiping it on the glass surface. Since Rain X does not come off with soap or water, usually all that is required is a periodic monthly reapplication of the product to fill in any areas that have been worn off by the windshield wipers. Since Rain X only bonds to windshield glass and not itself, it will only fill in the open areas of glass and will not create buildup by bonding to itself.