Are Gardenias Evergreen?
- Gardenias, also commonly called cape jasmine, are evergreen shrubs requiring heat and humidity requiring and grow in USDA zones 9 through 11 -- average winter lows 20F or higher. Harsh winters outside these zones will kill a gardenia bush. The southern United States is suitable for evergreen gardenias, which generally range in height from 2 to 8 feet, with the width about the same. White, waxy looking flowers, about 4 inches in diameter, bloom singly or in clusters. These fragrant decorations bloom profusely and continuously throughout mid-spring to mid-summer.
- The genus gardenia comprises around 250 separate species, with some species growing as trees. Gardenias are native to tropical and subtropical regions in Africa, Asia and Oceania. A member of the coffee family, the gardenia received its name from taxonomist Carl Linnaeus,in honor of Dr. Alexander Garden (1730-1791), a Scottish-born American naturalist.
- Hot, humid locations are required for your gardenia to thrive, given its tropical origins. Acidic soils with good drainage is important. Bright light -- preferably direct sunlight for at least half the day -- is also essential.
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