Social Workers - Helping The Down Trodden To Improve Their Lot
Millions of people in the world live a life in abject poverty, and this has been going on for centuries. However, there have been entire communities, and eventually, nations that have managed to improve their lot, and now their next generations have broken the shackles of poverty, and have improved their lives. Nevertheless, to do this, they get help from someone who made improving their condition their life's mission, and worked day and night to help achieve this. Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Younus, the founder of Grameen Bank has set an example for the entire world to follow. He has shown how a person who makes helping people to break out of poverty his mission can achieve this. His achievements have shown that there is hope for people to break out of poverty as long as there is someone who knows how to help them. This requires having a clear vision and a systematic approach.
The down trodden know-how to live with the bare necessities of life, and their demands are not very big. Everyone rich, well off or poor want a better future for their children, and the poor feel that the path to achieving this lies in educating their children. If they can be provided an increase in their income by which they can educate their children, they gladly accept this help. They don't want handouts as every person, especially those who are down trodden and eke out a living with hard work have self pride. They seek opportunities to earn more and look for openings to do so. Helping people to break the shackles of poverty is one of the greatest social work that people can do.
If a poor woman can get a loan to buy a dozen chickens, start selling their eggs, returns the loan, and keeps more chickens: this simple act becomes the first step for improving her life, and that of her family. By giving loans to poor women and helping them to setup their small businesses is what Grameen bank did, and today, they have become a beacon of hope for Bangladesh.
Socially conscious people can change the lot of the poor by extending a helping hand. You achieve a sense of pride and satisfaction when you see that with a little help, you are able to help people breakout of their centuries old shackles, and move into the main stream of life.
The down trodden know-how to live with the bare necessities of life, and their demands are not very big. Everyone rich, well off or poor want a better future for their children, and the poor feel that the path to achieving this lies in educating their children. If they can be provided an increase in their income by which they can educate their children, they gladly accept this help. They don't want handouts as every person, especially those who are down trodden and eke out a living with hard work have self pride. They seek opportunities to earn more and look for openings to do so. Helping people to break the shackles of poverty is one of the greatest social work that people can do.
If a poor woman can get a loan to buy a dozen chickens, start selling their eggs, returns the loan, and keeps more chickens: this simple act becomes the first step for improving her life, and that of her family. By giving loans to poor women and helping them to setup their small businesses is what Grameen bank did, and today, they have become a beacon of hope for Bangladesh.
Socially conscious people can change the lot of the poor by extending a helping hand. You achieve a sense of pride and satisfaction when you see that with a little help, you are able to help people breakout of their centuries old shackles, and move into the main stream of life.