When to Plant Potatoes in Central Texas?
- Soil temperatures need to reach 50 degrees Fahrenheit before you should plant potatoes, the AgriLife Extension advises. In central Texas, this generally means you can set plants in the ground in February or early March. Another rule of thumb: Wait three weeks after the last frost before planting.
- Plant potato seeds pieces at a depth of 3 inches, the AgriLife Extension recommends. If planted more deeply, it may be difficult for the plant to break through the soil and more likely to decay or become diseased. After putting the seed piece in the soil, step on it firmly to help it make good contact with the dirt.
- Set your seed pieces 9 inches to 12 inches apart, the Oregon State University Extension advises. If you are planting rows of plants, the rows about be about 34 inches apart.
Time Frame
How to Plant