Gyration Process You"re Actually Doing
to RT he is pasta on that is basically pure sugar and when you eat that the effect on your body is pretty much exactly the same I'm so you know and this is a risk factor for diabetes all-otter people you know that that I know personally that ended up developing type 2 diabetes the-ca yeah I just don't get it I really don't each sugar I really don't like sweets Ideally don't understand it and it's because up these carbohydrates in these grades and the fact that these greens are going to spike your blood sugar and send your body into the same kind of frantic blood sugar regulation mode I'm as eating sugar so it not only has to do with leaking and stuff which diabetes is it is a huge concern these days and even for people who don't eat a lot of sugar for instance if you are you in a lot of carbohydrates in a lot of this refined grains
that's also a risk factor for diabetes to I'm so shattered remembered asked question if I don't have weight problems and I eat healthy and I do lot exercise is it bad to eat lots sugar like soft drinks I feel very low energy all the time it's only sugar that makes me energetic okay if you feel low energy than I have question about you died in your exercise plan I don't think it's really shooting your your the way your body works you shouldn't need that refined sugar for energy now once in a while I used to work with bodybuilders we'd have it a day where they would go off and eat about to share getting insulin spike it would help to build more muscle so properly plan you might do that but I would not use pure sugar for your energy you want your adrenal gland your
thyroid you want everything working right you can get all the car I did you need from the food that we're talking about you don't want to use energy drinks soft drinks in high sugar foods exist it's too much for the body to handle in very likely you're storing sugar way you're cutting the gyration process you're actually doing damage to your body so again if you don't have energy then I question whether you're either under max muscle lean training overt raining I would get-together with the trainer and really look at the strategy that you âreusing because if you're tired exercising a lot you're probably overdoing it you not give your body time to regenerate because energy.
that's also a risk factor for diabetes to I'm so shattered remembered asked question if I don't have weight problems and I eat healthy and I do lot exercise is it bad to eat lots sugar like soft drinks I feel very low energy all the time it's only sugar that makes me energetic okay if you feel low energy than I have question about you died in your exercise plan I don't think it's really shooting your your the way your body works you shouldn't need that refined sugar for energy now once in a while I used to work with bodybuilders we'd have it a day where they would go off and eat about to share getting insulin spike it would help to build more muscle so properly plan you might do that but I would not use pure sugar for your energy you want your adrenal gland your
thyroid you want everything working right you can get all the car I did you need from the food that we're talking about you don't want to use energy drinks soft drinks in high sugar foods exist it's too much for the body to handle in very likely you're storing sugar way you're cutting the gyration process you're actually doing damage to your body so again if you don't have energy then I question whether you're either under max muscle lean training overt raining I would get-together with the trainer and really look at the strategy that you âreusing because if you're tired exercising a lot you're probably overdoing it you not give your body time to regenerate because energy.