Searching For Truth In Politics
Politics and truth are words rarely found cohabitating. The phrase "political truth" may in fact be an oxymoron. One light-hearted definition of politics: [n: Poly "many" plus tics "blood-sucking parasites"] suggests a disdain for the people wielding power, or at the very least skepticism for the ability of the collective to manage itself. We have, over many years of careful posturing, unscrupulous conniving, and virulent patronizing, been able to turn politics away from cooperation, collaboration and interest in the greater good, toward competition, rhetorical (and sometimes physical) warfare and to the advantage of special interests where the highest bidder tends to secure the prize.
As Plato wrote in The Republic: "Mankind will never see an end of trouble until... lovers of wisdom come to hold political power, or the holders of power... become lovers of wisdom." A virtual impossibility in modern politics as those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are not (also a thought from Plato).
Tis now the season though - the season of pundits and politicians - the mid-term elections are fast approaching. It is a time for the airwaves to fill with ill-conceived conjecture, embellished blame, hyperbole of every complexion, lofty rhetoric, heated arguments, and fanciful stories but nary a grain of straight talk, bared realities, in a word: truth.
A typical message, delivered with hard-nosed conviction by a candidate for Congress goes something like this: 'If elected I will jumpstart the economy, create jobs, reduce out of control spending, get the United States out of foreign interventions, save the environment, revamp education and fix healthcare.' usually all just for starters. These lofty goals are to be achieved by cutting taxes, reducing the size of government, reinvigorating the private sector, and reorienting the earth's rotation - no sacrifice nor commitment by the electorate required. Now, is it just me, or do you have some trouble finding truth in that?
Any candidate selling that snake-oil; painting a picture of his or her ascendency to omnipotence either suffers from a delusion: they do not know how our society, the economy, our system of government, the Constitution, or congress work; or they blatantly intend to manipulate and mislead. A candidate promoting such promises knows the masses are inclined to embrace any fanciful suggestions demanding nothing of them while offering the opportunity to stick it to the culprits of hard times - the other guys.
The Devil's Dictionary offers, 'Politics is the strife of special interests masquerading as a contest of principles. The conduct of public affairs for private advantage." Einstein reinforced the disingenuous pretence of governance, "All of us who are concerned for peace, and triumph of reason and justice must be keenly aware how small an influence reason and honest good will exert upon events in the political field."
Well, if you are seeing what I am seeing in America and the world today, then you may believe as I do, that it is time to lay our souls bare. To dig our way out of the mess we have created we must address the unbridled truth. It is time to call a spade a spade. We must put truth back into politics.
Shakespeare once eloquently inscribed, 'There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; once missed will bind to shallows and misery.' The tide of change is rising, but not in a way the pundits suggest. It is now time to take stock and take action - not for the good of the few but for the prosperity of the many.
We like to think of ourselves as great patriots. And though we have lost confidence in "the system" we have plenty of confidence in this country. We must ride the tide of change to address the challenges we face, honestly and openly. The truth is sometimes hard to stomach, but stomach it we must. We must cooperate, collaborate and devote our collective talent and energy to the task. The American dream is not dead. We have the capacity to see with new vision, hear with new clarity, and act with new purpose. A little truth this election season, coupled with a genuine interest in finding our way will start us on a new path - a path of hope, a path of goodwill and ultimately a path of prosperity. As we enter this political season, search for the truth.
Copyright (c) 2010 Scott F Paradis
As Plato wrote in The Republic: "Mankind will never see an end of trouble until... lovers of wisdom come to hold political power, or the holders of power... become lovers of wisdom." A virtual impossibility in modern politics as those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are not (also a thought from Plato).
Tis now the season though - the season of pundits and politicians - the mid-term elections are fast approaching. It is a time for the airwaves to fill with ill-conceived conjecture, embellished blame, hyperbole of every complexion, lofty rhetoric, heated arguments, and fanciful stories but nary a grain of straight talk, bared realities, in a word: truth.
A typical message, delivered with hard-nosed conviction by a candidate for Congress goes something like this: 'If elected I will jumpstart the economy, create jobs, reduce out of control spending, get the United States out of foreign interventions, save the environment, revamp education and fix healthcare.' usually all just for starters. These lofty goals are to be achieved by cutting taxes, reducing the size of government, reinvigorating the private sector, and reorienting the earth's rotation - no sacrifice nor commitment by the electorate required. Now, is it just me, or do you have some trouble finding truth in that?
Any candidate selling that snake-oil; painting a picture of his or her ascendency to omnipotence either suffers from a delusion: they do not know how our society, the economy, our system of government, the Constitution, or congress work; or they blatantly intend to manipulate and mislead. A candidate promoting such promises knows the masses are inclined to embrace any fanciful suggestions demanding nothing of them while offering the opportunity to stick it to the culprits of hard times - the other guys.
The Devil's Dictionary offers, 'Politics is the strife of special interests masquerading as a contest of principles. The conduct of public affairs for private advantage." Einstein reinforced the disingenuous pretence of governance, "All of us who are concerned for peace, and triumph of reason and justice must be keenly aware how small an influence reason and honest good will exert upon events in the political field."
Well, if you are seeing what I am seeing in America and the world today, then you may believe as I do, that it is time to lay our souls bare. To dig our way out of the mess we have created we must address the unbridled truth. It is time to call a spade a spade. We must put truth back into politics.
Shakespeare once eloquently inscribed, 'There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; once missed will bind to shallows and misery.' The tide of change is rising, but not in a way the pundits suggest. It is now time to take stock and take action - not for the good of the few but for the prosperity of the many.
We like to think of ourselves as great patriots. And though we have lost confidence in "the system" we have plenty of confidence in this country. We must ride the tide of change to address the challenges we face, honestly and openly. The truth is sometimes hard to stomach, but stomach it we must. We must cooperate, collaborate and devote our collective talent and energy to the task. The American dream is not dead. We have the capacity to see with new vision, hear with new clarity, and act with new purpose. A little truth this election season, coupled with a genuine interest in finding our way will start us on a new path - a path of hope, a path of goodwill and ultimately a path of prosperity. As we enter this political season, search for the truth.
Copyright (c) 2010 Scott F Paradis