How to Get Your Ex Boyfriend to Come Running For You? Shocking Tips That Will Make Him Come Back Now
The reason is because you put so much into the relationship, and then for him to just say he needs some "time apart" can be a heart breaker! That really takes the wind out of your sails.
For the fact that you you are hopeful things are only temporary and he will come back.
However, the dreaded thought that he may never come back crosses your mind and this worries you.
You also think to yourself.
If this is the way it is, why can't he just come out and tell me things are done and over with...
? Deep down in your gut, you truly long for your ex and you want the relationship to continue on.
So you still keep faith.
The Feeling Of Unknowing.
- Feeling uncertain frustrates and bothers you.
This drives you to get even with your ex for shattering your heart.
It crosses your mind, to start dating your ex's best friend and that would really even the score! This indeed would crush him/her.
However, acting in this manner will inevitably sabotage any possibility of getting your ex back.
If you deeply long for your ex, you must not take this route.
The Only Way To Get Your Ex Is By Making Them To Feel Strong Attraction- Think clearly back at the beginning when you first met your ex.
What was it that attracted them to you so strongly? And, what attracted YOU to them so passionately? That is only one component of why you want your ex back.
Another reason, is that you feel he is no longer available to you, and the feeling of being without him pains you deeply.
You feel a deep sense of loss, because to you they still feel like your lover.
It Is Human Nature To Deeply Want Something That Has Been Taken Away From You- So, if you want him to take you back, you must make him feel that something has been taken away from him.
Think back when you first met each other.
They were deeply attracted to you, and you made yourself look unavailable.
This made them want you deeply, the sense of not being able to have you.
You need to make your ex feel this feeling once again! Avoid All Contact With Your Ex- Stay away from your ex for at least 25 days.
"Play" as if you are completely over the relationship and you have moved on.
Do not date any other people for this time, and make sure your ex sees you having an amazing time with your friends.
Your ex will be shocked to find you are out and enjoying yourself, because they figured you were in desperate need of them, waiting at home for them to contact you.
If YOU Apply The 25 Day Rule, He Will Feel Greater Loss Than You Felt- The fact that you are ignoring your ex and making absolutely no attempt to contact them, your ex will feel that you are actually out of their life forever.
Only at this point will your ex realize how much they truly and deeply long for you.
This will force them to feel intense desire for you and run after you more strongly than ever! DO YOU WANT YOUR EX BACK IMMEDIATELY? YOU CAN GET THEM BACK RIGHT NOW!