Why Introverts Need to Recharge

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There's something important you have to know about introverts.
We get our strength and our energy from within ourselves, so being surrounded with people for a long period drains us.
Some of my friends probably have considered me a "kill joy" on more than one occasion because I leave early during parties.
This was especially challenging in college where excursions seem to happen monthly.
And it gets a little bad when you're a student leader who has to actually help plan the party.
Unlike extroverts, who more or less get their energy from their surroundings, we introverts have to be alone doing our own thing to recharge our batteries.
Solo activities such as reading, writing, building miniature stuff, daydreaming, or gardening fill up our energy stores again.
Hopefully, those introverts who often feel guilty or different from the rest because of these personality traits will see that it's okay and you do not need to change your habits to fit in.
It's okay to leave parties early.
You're an introvert, crowds can tire you out.
If you have responsibilities in that party, do them first and just politely tell your friends or family that you're exhausted.
It's okay to spend time alone.
You're an introvert, you need to recharge.
Enjoy a book or a movie or do your hobby.
It's okay to be quiet.
You're an introvert; just talk when you are comfortable.
Just because people around you talk nonstop doesn't mean you have to do the same.
It's okay to hate shopping, even if you're a girl.
You are girl introvert, shopping can be exhausting, even window shopping.
It's okay to have few close friends.
You're an introvert, you value loyalty and the few friends you have should consider themselves lucky.
It's okay to be different.
We're introverts, we often get judged as indifferent and unfriendly, but this doesn't mean we have to be this way.
We simply have to accept and respect how we are so that others can accept and respect us too.
This, however, doesn't mean that we introverts have to hide ourselves behind the description of this personality type.
It simply means that we have a different way of doing things, which may seem unnatural to other people.
Sometimes we have to compromise in order to make others comfortable.
But this shouldn't make us feel weird or make us feel guilty that we are not doing any effort to fit in.
Sometimes, fitting in is overrated.
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