What Do People Mean When They Say You Can Lead A Horse To Water? Bet He/She Will Drink If Thirsty!
Most of us have heard the old saying, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can not make him/her drink.
" We would like a rebuttal on that one, because we believe you can get that old horse to drink if you make him/her thirsty enough.
The secret to leading a horse to water and having him/her to drink is in what we feed him/her.
Bear with us and we will teach you the real secrets to effective leadership.
The reason that many leaders are unable to get someone to drink the water they have led their people to is a lack of effective communication.
It is easy to get someone to follow you, but not so easy to have them do what it is you want done.
By nature we are all lazy or we just do not care.
This is the reason that it is vitally important for good leaders to have effective communication with their people at all times.
The leader who is a good leader will set the example by doing the things he/she preaches.
My mother and grandmother use to say, "Practice what you preach!" When we as leaders try to dictate what others should be doing and we would not be caught dead doing it ourselves or refuse to do it we are not setting the example.
Many leaders think they are doing us a favor by hammering us to death till we do what it is they are not even willing to do themselves.
Dictators are not effective communicators.
The best and most effective communicators are those who listen and not just talk all the time.
Effective communication involves effective listening.
Learn to listen to what other people have to say and surprise they will listen back at what you have to say.
No one is interested in you and what you have to say until you have given them the time of day.
What time is it? It is time to pay attention to what someone else wants or needs.
When we learn to do this one little thing is when we learn not only how to lead a horse to water, but we learn how to make (get) him/her to drink.
No matter how thirsty a horse or person may be when they feel pressured they will kick.
Listen to them and they will stop kicking and just drink.
Do you like it when others try to pressure you into doing something you really do not want to do? Then you should know how they feel when you are pressuring them.
Learn to listen for other people's hot buttons (the things that motivate them) and you will know how to get people to act on a thing.
This works so much better than dictating and barking orders like a drill sergeant.
After all we are not in the army, are we?
" We would like a rebuttal on that one, because we believe you can get that old horse to drink if you make him/her thirsty enough.
The secret to leading a horse to water and having him/her to drink is in what we feed him/her.
Bear with us and we will teach you the real secrets to effective leadership.
The reason that many leaders are unable to get someone to drink the water they have led their people to is a lack of effective communication.
It is easy to get someone to follow you, but not so easy to have them do what it is you want done.
By nature we are all lazy or we just do not care.
This is the reason that it is vitally important for good leaders to have effective communication with their people at all times.
The leader who is a good leader will set the example by doing the things he/she preaches.
My mother and grandmother use to say, "Practice what you preach!" When we as leaders try to dictate what others should be doing and we would not be caught dead doing it ourselves or refuse to do it we are not setting the example.
Many leaders think they are doing us a favor by hammering us to death till we do what it is they are not even willing to do themselves.
Dictators are not effective communicators.
The best and most effective communicators are those who listen and not just talk all the time.
Effective communication involves effective listening.
Learn to listen to what other people have to say and surprise they will listen back at what you have to say.
No one is interested in you and what you have to say until you have given them the time of day.
What time is it? It is time to pay attention to what someone else wants or needs.
When we learn to do this one little thing is when we learn not only how to lead a horse to water, but we learn how to make (get) him/her to drink.
No matter how thirsty a horse or person may be when they feel pressured they will kick.
Listen to them and they will stop kicking and just drink.
Do you like it when others try to pressure you into doing something you really do not want to do? Then you should know how they feel when you are pressuring them.
Learn to listen for other people's hot buttons (the things that motivate them) and you will know how to get people to act on a thing.
This works so much better than dictating and barking orders like a drill sergeant.
After all we are not in the army, are we?