Free Ways to File Bankruptcy
- Although not recommended, you can file a bankruptcy proceeding without the use of an attorney, which is also known as filing "pro se." This will reduce the cost of filing for bankruptcy, but the United States Court website states, "While individuals can file a bankruptcy case without an attorney or 'pro se,' it is extremely difficult to do it successfully."
- For those who cannot afford a bankruptcy attorney, you can apply for a "pro bono" or no-cost attorney. This will give you the opportunity to work with a qualified attorney, but at reduced or no costs depending on your qualifications. Contact your local bankruptcy court, Legal Aid Society or a law school in your area to obtain more information on retaining an attorney pro bono.
- People filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy can file bankruptcy Form 3B or "waiver of fees." In order to qualify for this waiver, the person filing must show that his income is less than 150 percent of the official poverty line, according to his family size, and that he is unable to make installment payments.