Pregnant With Back Pain? Chiropractic May Be the Answer
Whenever a new female patient presents into my Chiropractic practice with low back pain, one of the first possibilities to consider is that they are pregnant.
Back pain and pregnancy seem to go hand in hand.
This is due to the increase in hormones causing significant muscle and ligamentous relaxation.
Why do pregnant women get back pain? How can chiropractic care help with their pain? Several changes occur in a women's body during the nine months of gestation.
They produce a variety of hormones that are all part of preparing the women's body for the development and birth of the newborn.
One of these hormones is called relaxin.
Release of the hormone relaxin causes muscle and ligament relaxation.
This aids in the joints becoming more mobile and more easily to distort.
As the pelvis "relaxes" and the uterus begins to grow and they have increased weight gain the women's center of balance changes and an increased stress is placed on the spine and surrounding musculature structures.
This increases the stress on the related spinal curves, ligaments and muscles up the spine.
The abdominal muscles become overstretched and this also in turn increases the weight bearing load on the spinal structures.
Depending on their level of physical fitness prior to the pregnancy, their bodies may not be as well prepared for the changes if they happen quickly.
As a result of the physiological and biomechanical changes in their bodies, some women experience chronic lower back, mid back pain and neck pains throughout their pregnancy.
Some women may only experience postural and physical changes, while others experience a whole myriad of symptoms.
Chiropractic care may help to stabilise them and enable them to develop a better posture that puts less stress into certain spinal areas and less pressure on their body.
A pelvic subluxation, or misalignment may possibly inhibit the baby's development in utero.
One of the most common, safe, effective and gentle approaches to treating back pain while pregnant is with chiropractic care.
Chiropractic adjustments are especially gentle during pregnancy as far less force is required to correct spinal misalignments.
Special low force adjusting techniques and positions are also used to provide comfort and safety for both mom and fetus.
Most chiropractors have been trained in using the procedures on pregnant women, hence it is generally safe and gentle.
Pregnancy Benefits of Chiropractic Care Before women even undergo labor, the recommendations to undergo chiropractic care may help them in several ways.
It includes the following: • maintaining or helping to achieve an optimum level of health and wellbeing • strengthen and stabilise symptomatic areas that may be weak • may decrease labor and deliver time • may provide relief from pain in the neck, back, or joints.
• may decrease the likelihood of a caesarian section Some Recommendations During Pregnancy: 1.
Posture Ask your chiropractor for specific postural exercises to help you maintain the corrections you have made.
Plenty of Rest your body is working overtime! Get lots of rest and use pillows and supports to ensure that you are comfortable and able to sleep.
Stay Fit Try to stay active with non weight bearing activities like swimming and stretching.
Walking is good as long as your not in a lot of discomfort.
Don't over do it, just maintain a comfortable level of exercise.
Attend Classes it is important to attend pre-natal workshops especially if this is your first child.
It gets your partner involved and also helps to prepare you for what is to come! It is great also to meet with others who are going through the same experience as you.
The classes are often a great source of information.
Along with these recommendations the others are obvious, don't drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, or do drugs.
Don't do heavy lifting and keep stress to a minimum.
These are all important aspects to address as you progress through your pregnancy.
Try and eat a diet of whole foods and high in nutrients and vitamins.
Fruits, vegetables preferably organic produce, and drink plenty of clean fresh water.
Chiropractic has successfully been treating pregnant women with back pain for over 100 years.
Modern methods and techniques and professional standards have helped to ensure the most effective, safe and gentle procedures are used.
Back pain and pregnancy seem to go hand in hand.
This is due to the increase in hormones causing significant muscle and ligamentous relaxation.
Why do pregnant women get back pain? How can chiropractic care help with their pain? Several changes occur in a women's body during the nine months of gestation.
They produce a variety of hormones that are all part of preparing the women's body for the development and birth of the newborn.
One of these hormones is called relaxin.
Release of the hormone relaxin causes muscle and ligament relaxation.
This aids in the joints becoming more mobile and more easily to distort.
As the pelvis "relaxes" and the uterus begins to grow and they have increased weight gain the women's center of balance changes and an increased stress is placed on the spine and surrounding musculature structures.
This increases the stress on the related spinal curves, ligaments and muscles up the spine.
The abdominal muscles become overstretched and this also in turn increases the weight bearing load on the spinal structures.
Depending on their level of physical fitness prior to the pregnancy, their bodies may not be as well prepared for the changes if they happen quickly.
As a result of the physiological and biomechanical changes in their bodies, some women experience chronic lower back, mid back pain and neck pains throughout their pregnancy.
Some women may only experience postural and physical changes, while others experience a whole myriad of symptoms.
Chiropractic care may help to stabilise them and enable them to develop a better posture that puts less stress into certain spinal areas and less pressure on their body.
A pelvic subluxation, or misalignment may possibly inhibit the baby's development in utero.
One of the most common, safe, effective and gentle approaches to treating back pain while pregnant is with chiropractic care.
Chiropractic adjustments are especially gentle during pregnancy as far less force is required to correct spinal misalignments.
Special low force adjusting techniques and positions are also used to provide comfort and safety for both mom and fetus.
Most chiropractors have been trained in using the procedures on pregnant women, hence it is generally safe and gentle.
Pregnancy Benefits of Chiropractic Care Before women even undergo labor, the recommendations to undergo chiropractic care may help them in several ways.
It includes the following: • maintaining or helping to achieve an optimum level of health and wellbeing • strengthen and stabilise symptomatic areas that may be weak • may decrease labor and deliver time • may provide relief from pain in the neck, back, or joints.
• may decrease the likelihood of a caesarian section Some Recommendations During Pregnancy: 1.
Posture Ask your chiropractor for specific postural exercises to help you maintain the corrections you have made.
Plenty of Rest your body is working overtime! Get lots of rest and use pillows and supports to ensure that you are comfortable and able to sleep.
Stay Fit Try to stay active with non weight bearing activities like swimming and stretching.
Walking is good as long as your not in a lot of discomfort.
Don't over do it, just maintain a comfortable level of exercise.
Attend Classes it is important to attend pre-natal workshops especially if this is your first child.
It gets your partner involved and also helps to prepare you for what is to come! It is great also to meet with others who are going through the same experience as you.
The classes are often a great source of information.
Along with these recommendations the others are obvious, don't drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, or do drugs.
Don't do heavy lifting and keep stress to a minimum.
These are all important aspects to address as you progress through your pregnancy.
Try and eat a diet of whole foods and high in nutrients and vitamins.
Fruits, vegetables preferably organic produce, and drink plenty of clean fresh water.
Chiropractic has successfully been treating pregnant women with back pain for over 100 years.
Modern methods and techniques and professional standards have helped to ensure the most effective, safe and gentle procedures are used.