Fixing Your Relationship is Easy
I went through this myself once, and believe me, I know how it feels to be dumped.
Not a nice feeling at all.
But seriously, begging and pleading is not the way to get him or her back into your life.
If you follow closely what I am about to lay out for you, it will not take long for your ex to come back to you.
Like I said above, the best way to fix your relationship is to stay in control of yourself and don't act needy or desperate.
You don't want to appear like a victim.
Convincing your ex lover that you are able to live without them will show them that you are not stuck on them.
It will show your maturity and self control.
And most of all it will tell them that you are capable of running your own life.
Patching up your relationship might be too late, but then again it might just be the right time to do so.
You obviously have feelings for your ex and they for you.
But now is the time to let them go for awhile, without drama.
This way your way to getting them back will go much smoother than you ever thought.
Now remember, no call.
That means just what it says.
Experts like us call it 'no contact' and we mean just that.
Do not bombard them with texts and messages and cell calls.
That includes emails too.
Not hearing from you will make your ex wonder what you're up too.
It can make them want to know if you are with someone else.
It will make them curious about you.
You must get on with your life, and I know it is hard and against your instincts not to contact them, but it is for the best if you are ever to reunite again.
This will allow yourself to put things into the perspective that you need to.
A different light will do you good.
Getting on with your life is important.
It will aid you in not basing your decisions on emotions.
Just remember that while you are off living your life, your ex has been doing the same.
It gives you what we call adjustment time.
This is needed to be able to look at what happened realistically.
Take about a month for yourself before contacting your ex.
Just phone them and have a short conversation asking how they are and how they have been doing.
Maybe ask for a small meeting somewhere.
Don't make it sound like they have to, and don't make it sound like a heavy date.
Don't use emotional ways to try to fix your relationship.
When you meet tell them you apologize for anything that got them upset at you.
Let them know that you would like another chance at the relationship, but don't sound desperate or anything or you'll blow it.
Give your ex the dignity they deserve and give them time and space to think and express their feelings.
After this meeting, tell your ex that you are going to give them time to think about it and then leave.
Don't sound unconcerned but again, don't blow it by getting mushy or giving them the feeling that you are badly wanting to fix your relationship.