JCAHO Background Check Requirements

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    • Background checks are often run by JCAHO-accredited institutions.hospital image by les sanders from Fotolia.com

      The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) enforces the maintenance of quality medical standards in the United States. JCAHO is not a government agency but is relied upon by many medical institutions. Many medical facilities are accredited by JCAHO and must meet requirements to qualify for and maintain accreditation. JCAHO-accredited institutions often run background checks on their employees in accordance with JCAHO requirements.

    State Requirements

    • Background check requirements vary depending on each state's regulations. Requirements for background checks can be found by contacting the Department of Justice for your state. Some states require background checks on employees, volunteers and students. Certain states may only require background checks on specific types of healthcare providers. The definition of healthcare provider can differ per state.

    Employee Definition

    • If a state requires a background check of all employees, the organization should verify the definition of "employee" in that state. If the definition of employee cannot be verified by the state law, the organization can develop their definition of employee, which can include or exclude volunteers or students.

    Absence of State Law

    • In states that do not have laws that regulate background checks for medical providers and employees, JCAHO permits the organization or institution to comply with their own company policies for background checks and document the results of each check.

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