How to Re-Screen & Cat-Proof Window Screens
- 1). Purchase a heavy screen for your window suitable for being poked at by cat claws. The two best choices are aluminum screens and solar screens, which are made out of very heavy nylon fibers that help repel the sun. The heavy material also helps keep the screen safe from feline attention.
- 2). Remove the screen from the window if it isn't already gone. Set it on a flat surface such as a nearby floor. Turn it so the part of the screen with the tabs faces toward you.
- 3). Use a screwdriver or sharp awl to pry out the end of the plastic spline from the channel. A pair of needle-nose pliers is also helpful. Pull the spline from the channel around the entire screen. Remove the screen.
- 4). Unroll the new screen and stretch it out over the frame. Trim it to size. It doesn't have to be exact.
- 5). Starting in one corner of the screen, press it into the channel with the spline and the spline roller, a tool that looks like a pizza cutter. You can use the old spline or purchase a new one. Slowly work your way around the screen, pressing the spline into the channel with the spline roller.
- 6). Trim off any excess screen with a sharp knife.