Why Does My Boyfriend Need Space? The Real Reason He's Pulling Away
When you're asking the question "why does my boyfriend need space," you likely have looked to friends to help you determine what's going on. Girlfriends are so important but one drawback to asking a friend to help you decipher your boyfriend's behavior is that she may not see things clearly either. A very common misconception about men and why they pull away is they do it because they are so deeply and completely in love that it scares them. The theory among women is that men do this because they get overwhelmed and need room to breathe. That isn't the case.
A man in love doesn't pull back, he tries to get closer. Your boyfriend needs space because he's contemplating ending the relationship. In fact, he may already have one foot out the door. If he was as in love with you as you are with him, spending less and less time with you would be the last thing on his mind. Don't fool yourself or allow others to fool you into believing otherwise.
You may believe that all is well with the relationship and so when your boyfriend suddenly becomes distant, you feel overwhelmed and confused. Men can be quite fickle in a dating relationship meaning they can sometimes be turned off by even the smallest thing. You may have done something, without even realizing it, that your man found unappealing. A few examples are calling him too often, asking him why he hasn't called, telling him you love him before he's ready to hear it or even sleeping with him too early in the relationship. There are a lot of mistakes that women make that damage the relationship. If that's the case with your boyfriend, you need to get busy now trying to repair the bond before it's lost for good.