How to Make a Magnet Generate Electricity
- 1). Tightly wind the copper wire around the paper roll with each coil touching the ones next to it. The coil should be between 1-1/2 and 2-inches wide and several layers thick. Leave several inches of wire loose at each end to connect to the ammeter.
- 2). Tie the string to one end of the magnet so you can drop it through the tube through the wire coil.
- 3). Pass the magnet through the coil several times and note the reaction on the ammeter. Moving the magnet quickly generates more current than moving it slowly. Which pole of the magnet enters the coil first determines the polarity of the current. Also, note how the current reverses itself as the magnet is withdrawn.
- 4). Hold the compass close to the coil before moving the magnet into position and note its reaction. As the magnet moves through the coil, pay attention to the effect on the compass.