How to Use Level 400 Moves in "Bakugan Dimensions"
- 1). Battle with your Bakugan. The more battles the Bakugan participate in and the more experience they get from winning, the higher their G power will go. Once you get a G power high enough, your attacks will begin performing in the 400 range.
- 2). Plug in additional codes for existing Bakugan. If you already have a Bakugan, and then you purchase a real, offline Bakugan of the same type, plug in the code that comes with it. Since you can't have two of a single kind of Bakugan, the code instead adds G power to your existing Bakugan to make it stronger.
- 3). Assign battle gear to your Bakugan during battle. Battle gear is an upgrade item that you can give your Bakugan in mid-combat. Assigning the gear will also increase your G power, and thus increase the attack level of your Bakugan.