A Proven, Simple 3 Step Sequence For Getting A Woman To Return Your Calls Right Away Guaranteed
Read on to discover some of the most mind blowing strategies on how to make a woman return your calls right away and achieve earth shattering results.
Decide your purpose- First off! You need to decide why you want her to call you back.
Do you just want to have a casual chit chat? Have something important to discuss? Do want to get her back because she is simply playing too hard to get? Well you need to decide what your purpose is first.
The trick- After you have decided your purpose the very next step is to make a call she would never refuse to return.
Now what would that be? Well it's really simple.
What draws a person's attention the most? Well maybe a surprise, a secret, a mystery etc.
You see this is what you have to use in order to get her to return your calls.
Call her up and see if it's her answering machine.
Record your message and talk as if you are in a real hurry.
Say this- "Hey! It's me calling.
Listen I have something extremely important to tell you...
" and than hang up.
Yes that's right hang up don't say the complete thing.
She would call you just because of the burning desire to know what that really important thing was.
Play the game back- The best way to use this trick to your advantage is to play her game with her specially she's playing too hard to get.
After you leave this message disappear for a couple of days and let her talk to your answering machine.
There have been cases where the female physically arrived at the guy's house only because she could not handle the mystery and had to know what's going on.