What Are the Benefits of a Seaweed Wrap?
- Seaweed wraps oxygenate, tone, moisturize, detoxify and revitalize the body and skin. They also are used to treat arthritis, sprains, strains and other injuries and aid in blood lymph circulation and weight loss.
- Seawater contains several minerals and trace elements that are useful to humans; seaweed contains even higher concentrations of these minerals and trace elements. Minerals include iron, copper, zinc, manganese and boron. Hot water is used to open the pores so they can better receive the minerals and nutrients.
- The length of a seaweed wrap treatment depends on how much of the body is wrapped. Some people have only a facial application. A full body treatment can last from an hour to an hour and a half.
- Seaweed wraps generally are done in a relaxing setting such as a spa.
- The skin should be cleaned or exfoliated before the treatment to prevent lotions, creams, perfumes and oils from seeping into the body through the pores.
How Long Is a Treatment?
Getting a Seaweed Wrap