How to Get Your Ex Back - Don"t Follow The Crowd, Do Your Own Thing
This is true for just about all relationship advice, but even more so when it deals with trying to get back together with an ex.
What most people seem to forget when they are doling out advice on relationships is, relationships are not exactly rational.
If you follow the crowd and just follow along with the typical advice on how to get back with an ex, you will more than likely end up not just disappointed but also disillusioned with the results that you end up getting.
Why? Because the sad reality is most of the people that follow that kind of advice do NOT end up back with an ex, they do not end up getting over their ex they just feel as awful as they did before they got that advice.
Getting down on your knees will never do the trick...
Have you gotten advice that goes somewhat along the lines of getting down on your knees and begging and groveling for your ex to take you back? Most people have heard this from somewhere and it usually ends up being about the worst thing that they can do.
While it is perfectly fine to apologize once for whatever you did wrong, continual apologies and groveling just ends up making you look anything but appealing in the eyes of your ex.
Writing romantic letters only works in the cinema...
Another really generic piece of advice that people get when they want to get back with an ex is to sit down and write out a really romantic letter to try and sway their ex with romance.
Well, it looks great when it is done on a movie screen, but when you are doing things like this in real life, the results tend to be a little less cinematic.
You usually just end up wasting your time, because either your ex does not read it or if they do it does nothing to change their mind.
Your ex needs to see something different from you...
If you truly want to win back your ex, and I do believe that you do want this, then you need to do something different.
First of all, most of the traditional tips on how to get back with an ex are all things that your ex expects you to do, so there is no surprise there.
You need surprise and suspense.
You need to make your ex see a whole new side of you, so that the feelings they have CHANGE.
If you try and win back your ex while they still feel the same way they did when they ended the relationship, all you are going to get is the same result, which is the OPPOSITE of what you WANT to happen.