How to Get Deodorant off Clothes
1Dampen a paper towel slightly and then squirt some liquid soap on it. Either dish soap or hand washing soap works fine. Dab at the deodorant stain lightly using a scraping motion, but do not rub.
Rub the deodorant lightly and quickly using a pair of pantyhose or a knee high stocking. Allow the deodorant to dry first and then hold the material taut. Gently but briskly rub the stain away.
Purchase a Gal Pal deodorant remover and keep it in your purse, desk drawer or glove compartment or your car. In two or three swipes from this dry sponged marketed specifically for removing deodorant from clothes and the stain is completely gone.
Spray the stain with a stain remover and allow it to sit overnight to thoroughly soak into the fabric. Wash the clothes in the morning using warm water and a color safe bleach.