What Are Some Spring Plants?
- Cool season grasses prefer the cooler spring temperatures and include common lawn grasses such as Kentucky bluegrass and creeping fescue.
- Forest wildflowers such as bloodroot and trout lily emerge in the spring when the absence of the tree canopy allows sunlight to penetrate to the forest floor.
- Common wild edible plants, including violet, wintergreen and Labrador tea, begin growth early in the spring when nights are cool and moisture is plentiful.
- Marsh marigold and angelica are among many spring-blooming wetland plants.
- In order to avoid competition, some weed species such as dandelions and garlic mustard germinate during the cool spring months.
- Spring is showcased by the appearance of early-blooming garden flowers such as tulips, daffodils, crocuses and irises, signalling an end to winter.
Cool Season Grasses
Forest Wildflowers
Wild Edible Plants
Wetland Plants
Spring Garden Flowers