Spring Cleaning For Your House, Body, and Mind
It's spring; time to get moving! As we can begin to throw open the windows and doors to air out the stagnation of winter, so we can do the same for our lives.
If you are feeling stuck, or if you look around and see undone projects, bursting closets, and growing piles of stuff, spring is the perfect time to clear out and let in something new.
The sap is beginning to flow in the trees, seeds that have been dormant all winter begin to sprout and push their way through the dirt seeking the sun, flowers begin to bloom.
Spring is the season of new beginnings, renewal, and regeneration.
Allow some rejuvenation into your life with some spring cleaning! Take a look around you; how much stuff do you have? Have piles accumulated over the winter? Those bursting closets and unorganized stacks of papers or magazines can cause stagnant energy.
The same is true in our body and our mind, and clearing out what we no longer need in any of these areas creates space for something new to come in.
We might find we feel lighter and clearer after cleaning out our home, body, or psyche.
Here are some tips for taking on that spring clean with vim and vigor.
Clearing Out Stuff Most of us have that one area where every time we look at it, we feel distress; it nags at us to do something about it.
Perhaps it's the desk where you work, or the kitchen table that has ended up being a dumping ground for everyone's stuff when they walk in the door.
Start with that spot, and see how you feel as you get that cleaned up.
You might pick a weekend and tackle multiple areas of your house, or take it bit by bit, whichever works for you.
Take a look at your closet, and see if you can let go of anything you haven't worn in the past 6 months or a year.
Is it time to clear out some old books, maybe donate them to your local public library? Don't forget to go through documents; there's no need to keep some documents beyond a certain time period (see Consumer Reports for more information on document life).
When getting rid of belongings, be creative about recycling options instead of just throwing things away.
Free-cycle them, have a "give-away gathering" with some friends, or donate them to a local charity.
If you have stacks of old magazines, see if a local school wants them for collage projects.
Have some fun and do some good while letting go of what you no longer need.
Clearing Out Your Body Think of clearing out your kitchen as part of clearing your body.
Go through and get rid of unhealthy junk you find in your cupboards, removing the temptation to indulge from your home.
If you have kids, make a game out of this by seeing who can find the most unhealthy food item in the pantry, or the item with the most sugar.
It will teach your kids to read labels and educate all of you about what you actually have in your kitchen, and by extension, what you've been putting in your body.
In traditional Chinese medicine, spring is the perfect time for cleansing and rejuvenation.
Consider doing a detox or cleanse for your body.
Be careful with this if you have any health concerns.
Cleansing can stir up a lot as toxins begin to release, so make sure you research first and know what you are doing or work with a professional.
Whether you take on a cleanse or not, add more of those delicious spring greens that are showing up in farmer's markets into your diet, and make sure you drink enough water to keep your lymphatic system moving, which helps remove toxins from your body.
Clearing Out Your Mind Try a mini spring retreat, a day or weekend just for you.
During this time, look back at the goals you set for the year and consider where you are with them.
Reassess and shift trajectory if it is needed.
If you aren't where you had hoped to be by now, don't take it as a failure, but as an opportunity to see what is happening instead.
Consider what might be getting in your way; are there limiting beliefs you could work on letting go? How can you re-direct your efforts to be more in alignment with what you want to create in your life? As you clean out your home, body, and mind, you will likely find new energy available to reach further toward the life of your dreams.
If you are on track with your goals, then make sure you take some time to celebrate! Now it's your turn: what will you do in the next week to begin clearing out the old to let in something new?
If you are feeling stuck, or if you look around and see undone projects, bursting closets, and growing piles of stuff, spring is the perfect time to clear out and let in something new.
The sap is beginning to flow in the trees, seeds that have been dormant all winter begin to sprout and push their way through the dirt seeking the sun, flowers begin to bloom.
Spring is the season of new beginnings, renewal, and regeneration.
Allow some rejuvenation into your life with some spring cleaning! Take a look around you; how much stuff do you have? Have piles accumulated over the winter? Those bursting closets and unorganized stacks of papers or magazines can cause stagnant energy.
The same is true in our body and our mind, and clearing out what we no longer need in any of these areas creates space for something new to come in.
We might find we feel lighter and clearer after cleaning out our home, body, or psyche.
Here are some tips for taking on that spring clean with vim and vigor.
Clearing Out Stuff Most of us have that one area where every time we look at it, we feel distress; it nags at us to do something about it.
Perhaps it's the desk where you work, or the kitchen table that has ended up being a dumping ground for everyone's stuff when they walk in the door.
Start with that spot, and see how you feel as you get that cleaned up.
You might pick a weekend and tackle multiple areas of your house, or take it bit by bit, whichever works for you.
Take a look at your closet, and see if you can let go of anything you haven't worn in the past 6 months or a year.
Is it time to clear out some old books, maybe donate them to your local public library? Don't forget to go through documents; there's no need to keep some documents beyond a certain time period (see Consumer Reports for more information on document life).
When getting rid of belongings, be creative about recycling options instead of just throwing things away.
Free-cycle them, have a "give-away gathering" with some friends, or donate them to a local charity.
If you have stacks of old magazines, see if a local school wants them for collage projects.
Have some fun and do some good while letting go of what you no longer need.
Clearing Out Your Body Think of clearing out your kitchen as part of clearing your body.
Go through and get rid of unhealthy junk you find in your cupboards, removing the temptation to indulge from your home.
If you have kids, make a game out of this by seeing who can find the most unhealthy food item in the pantry, or the item with the most sugar.
It will teach your kids to read labels and educate all of you about what you actually have in your kitchen, and by extension, what you've been putting in your body.
In traditional Chinese medicine, spring is the perfect time for cleansing and rejuvenation.
Consider doing a detox or cleanse for your body.
Be careful with this if you have any health concerns.
Cleansing can stir up a lot as toxins begin to release, so make sure you research first and know what you are doing or work with a professional.
Whether you take on a cleanse or not, add more of those delicious spring greens that are showing up in farmer's markets into your diet, and make sure you drink enough water to keep your lymphatic system moving, which helps remove toxins from your body.
Clearing Out Your Mind Try a mini spring retreat, a day or weekend just for you.
During this time, look back at the goals you set for the year and consider where you are with them.
Reassess and shift trajectory if it is needed.
If you aren't where you had hoped to be by now, don't take it as a failure, but as an opportunity to see what is happening instead.
Consider what might be getting in your way; are there limiting beliefs you could work on letting go? How can you re-direct your efforts to be more in alignment with what you want to create in your life? As you clean out your home, body, and mind, you will likely find new energy available to reach further toward the life of your dreams.
If you are on track with your goals, then make sure you take some time to celebrate! Now it's your turn: what will you do in the next week to begin clearing out the old to let in something new?