Dating Beautiful Women - How to Become the Man They Want
Yet, this is what most men end up doing.
Instead of dating beautiful women, most guys end up settling down with some really average looking woman who ends up making them feel emasculated and flat out bored with their life.
Sounds like the DREAM, right? Well, it turns out to be a nightmare more often than not.
What if you could make sure that you were the kind of guy that beautiful women wanted to date? What if you had the luxury of having more than one attractive women to call up and take out on the weekend? Here are some tips on how to become the man they want and start dating beautiful women: 1.
Beautiful women KNOW that they are attractive.
You don't have to tell them over and over and be the guy that just does nothing but fawns over her beauty.
If you don't think that will get old really quick, just imagine someone giving you the same compliment over and over.
Let her know she looks good when she looks good, but don't go for overkill.
If you over do a compliment, it starts to become meaningless and it also makes it look like you are desperate to make her like you.
Not attractive to a woman, at all! 2.
Be the kind of guy that they lust after by being unavailable.
It's a fact of life.
People want what they think they cannot have.
That is a major draw when it comes to dating and if you make a good looking woman feel like she cannot have you, then you just might end up being the one that gets to date her.
If you are way too available to a woman, then you look like you have no life of your own and no options, and that is not appealing to a woman.
To really get the chance to date beautiful women, you have to be able to make the approach without hesitating.
Want to know what a dead give away is to a woman that you are insecure about talking to her? Look at her, make sure she notices and then do NOTHING.
Doesn't sound like a winning formula, does it? Well, this happens all of the time to attractive women and it's a major buzz kill.
You need to be able to saunter over to her and not skip a step.
That will take her by surprise and make her want to know just who you are.