The Role of Fantasy in Personal Growth
Many people have a fear of trying new things.
In one way they'd like to do something new, but they just can't bring themselves to do so.
They like their routine and are uncomfortable when forced by circumstances to vary from it.
They may say, "I can't even imagine doing that.
" The "that" could be something they would never want to do, such as killing or maiming someone.
"That" could also be something socially acceptable but not necessarily in the comfort zone.
If you want to break free from your routine and conquer that discomfort, or down-right fear, a little preparation is in order.
You're going to get your fantasy life in gear.
If you know what you'd like to try, but just can't bring yourself to imagine yourself doing it, the solution is rather simple.
Start imagining it.
Form a picture in your mind with as much detail as possible of you doing that which you wish you had the courage to do.
When I say detail, I mean bringing in all of your senses.
Let's say you'd like to have the courage to drive a race car, but have a difficult time driving much past the highway speed limit.
Create a virtual reality trip in your mind.
Picture the car you are going to drive.
What kind is it? What color? How about a new car with that new car smell? Feel the steering wheel vibrating under you with the sound of the racing motor.
"See" the scenery whizzing past you.
Put yourself in a convertible and feel the wind against your face.
See the speedometer showing faster and faster speeds.
You can't bring yourself to imagine that? Really break your imagination free with something that you know couldn't happen.
Again, activating all your senses, put yourself in a car that drives so fast that it literally takes off from the road and flies.
"See" yourself flying over tree tops, maybe joining a flock of birds in migration.
Why don't you take that flying car all the up to the moon? Now, as you bring that car back down to earth, feel it as it touches ground and speeds along the highway at a paltry 105 miles an hour...
much slower than it was going while flying through the air.
The key is to immerse yourself in your fantasy as completely as you can.
Your brain has the same experiences as if you were really flying through the air.
Part of you begins to believe it is possible.
The next step is to drive a little faster...
somewhere safe, of course.
Whatever you want to do but don't think you can, see yourself doing it.
See it in great detail.
If need be, see yourself achieving your goal in steps until you are able to do even more than you first wanted to do.
Then try take an actual step in the direction you want to go.
In one way they'd like to do something new, but they just can't bring themselves to do so.
They like their routine and are uncomfortable when forced by circumstances to vary from it.
They may say, "I can't even imagine doing that.
" The "that" could be something they would never want to do, such as killing or maiming someone.
"That" could also be something socially acceptable but not necessarily in the comfort zone.
If you want to break free from your routine and conquer that discomfort, or down-right fear, a little preparation is in order.
You're going to get your fantasy life in gear.
If you know what you'd like to try, but just can't bring yourself to imagine yourself doing it, the solution is rather simple.
Start imagining it.
Form a picture in your mind with as much detail as possible of you doing that which you wish you had the courage to do.
When I say detail, I mean bringing in all of your senses.
Let's say you'd like to have the courage to drive a race car, but have a difficult time driving much past the highway speed limit.
Create a virtual reality trip in your mind.
Picture the car you are going to drive.
What kind is it? What color? How about a new car with that new car smell? Feel the steering wheel vibrating under you with the sound of the racing motor.
"See" the scenery whizzing past you.
Put yourself in a convertible and feel the wind against your face.
See the speedometer showing faster and faster speeds.
You can't bring yourself to imagine that? Really break your imagination free with something that you know couldn't happen.
Again, activating all your senses, put yourself in a car that drives so fast that it literally takes off from the road and flies.
"See" yourself flying over tree tops, maybe joining a flock of birds in migration.
Why don't you take that flying car all the up to the moon? Now, as you bring that car back down to earth, feel it as it touches ground and speeds along the highway at a paltry 105 miles an hour...
much slower than it was going while flying through the air.
The key is to immerse yourself in your fantasy as completely as you can.
Your brain has the same experiences as if you were really flying through the air.
Part of you begins to believe it is possible.
The next step is to drive a little faster...
somewhere safe, of course.
Whatever you want to do but don't think you can, see yourself doing it.
See it in great detail.
If need be, see yourself achieving your goal in steps until you are able to do even more than you first wanted to do.
Then try take an actual step in the direction you want to go.